Many psychological problems originate from relationships. We get sick in relationships and we heal within relationships. At the same time, the need to be in an emotional relationship, which is one of the greatest characteristics of living things, begins to form after they fall into the mother's womb.
Emotional contact as soon as babies are born. In addition to the physiological needs of the baby, whose emotional needs are also vital as he opens his eyes to a world he does not know. The mother or caregiver is the person with whom the baby first comes into contact, has the first relationship and bond, and meets the physiological and emotional needs that make him feel safe.
If the mother or caregiver does not make contact with the baby other than physiological need, does not look into the baby's eyes, does not smile, does not caress, does not embrace the baby, and ignores the baby, this causes emotional deprivation in the baby. If, for any reason, the baby is emotionally deprived of its mother and is not replaced by someone who provides emotional care, the baby will become depressed.
Until the 1930s, there was a common belief that babies did not develop depression. Rene Spitz, who conducted research on this subject for the first time, in his experiments in orphanages and hospitals; He observed babies whose physical needs were met but not their emotional needs, and stated that babies who were not contacted emotionally developed depression. It has been proven that babies who experience depression as a result of emotional deprivation suffer from dull facial expressions, excessive inactivity, failure to smile, loss of appetite, sleep problems, lack of interest in toys, as well as damage to their brain cells that do not develop. It has also had consequences such as not being able to develop physically, and when this deprivation lasted for more than three months, the symptoms increased more. If healthy bonds are not developed with the baby, the baby's personality formation may also be structured in an unhealthy way.
For example, he may become an intensely anxious individual and experience problems such as not being able to meet his need for love in his relationships, not being able to feel the love he receives, becoming withdrawn or clingy, and having difficulty giving love to others. We may encounter problems, as well as see signs of neglect such as a feeling of emptiness and inability to develop sufficient self-control.
To protect the baby from depression, plenty of contact, attention, love and affection will prevent the baby from experiencing depression. Meeting emotional needs will enable him to develop healthy relationships and become a person who loves himself and is able to love himself.
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