What is Peripheral Artery Disease (Artery Occlusion)?

What is peripheral arterial disease (artery occlusion)?
Although peripheral artery disease is known as the disease of the lateral and end branches of the aortic artery leaving the heart, it refers to arterial occlusions, especially in the legs and legs.

Who is it seen in?
Actually, the answer to this question is very clear. Of course, genetic factors, that is, the familial predisposition of the person is important, but it is often seen especially in people with diabetes, smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, fatty and irregular diet. It should be noted here that arterial occlusions increase with age. In fact, this rate is quite high over the age of 70.

What to do?
It is necessary to follow the rules of healthy living. First of all, people with a family history of vascular occlusion and diabetes should avoid other risk factors. Definitely need to stay away from smoking. We should not deceive ourselves with words such as "I already drink too little, I don't drink, or I'm going to quit anyway". Even one cigarette can be enough to start the process in our veins. Also, we must exercise. It is known that people who do regular sports activities have less arterial occlusion. In our diet; A diet based on fruits and vegetables is still very important in the prevention of arterial diseases.

How is the diagnosis made?
It is important to make the correct diagnosis in arterial diseases. Many diseases (lumbar hernia, sciatica, aneurysms, venous insufficiency and occlusions, tumors, clots in the legs, etc.) can be confused with arterial disease. Here, a good vascular examination and history make the diagnosis of arterial disease with a high rate. In these patients, it is important to start with simple diagnostic methods such as Doppler ultrasound. In the follow-up, treatment is formed with computed tomography angiography, magnetic resonance angiography or classical angiography to determine the exact location of the obstruction.

What do you do in the treatment?
Today, our treatment options for arterial diseases have increased considerably. However, the most important thing here is not to delay the treatment and prevent the patient from avoidable risk factors (smoking, alcohol, fatty food consumption). etc.) is to stay away. In the treatment, if there is no indication for surgery yet, we follow the patient with drug treatments. In surgical treatment, we can benefit from stent, balloon and vasodilating devices as much as open surgery. Today, we can save these patients' legs from amputation by performing vasodilatory interventions in angio laboratories. Since we mostly perform these procedures under local anesthesia, we keep these patients with many comorbidities away from the troubles of anesthesia.

As a final word, our patients should know that; First of all, it is important to be protected from arterial diseases, but people with the above-mentioned risk factors should definitely have a specialist examination, even if they do not have complaints. Most importantly, they should stay away from risk factors…
Wishing you healthy days…..

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