Hello to all of you again... I'm back from Berlin... Unfortunately, I was away from you while I was abroad and we couldn't continue our article series. Please excuse me. Let's continue our article about migraine from where we left off...

First of all, it should be noted that migraine is not a dangerous disease. It does not disable the person or cause death. Instead of the term migraine, the term vascular headache is also used. It is useful for our migraine patients to know these identical terms. Unfortunately, medical science has not yet been able to find out exactly what the factor that starts migraine is. In other words, what role does it play in the emergence of migraine disease? Which balances are being disrupted? Definitive answers to these questions have not yet been given.

Medically, we cannot answer this question definitively; However, we have an answer regarding treatment.

So, what is our answer?

Our answer… Apart from the existing drug treatment options; It is the ACUPUNCTURE treatment, which is the most effective, permanent and side-effectless treatment option.

I will bore you by trying to explain which neurochemicals are missing in our body or what biological changes occur in the brain vessels and cells in migraine. I don't want to. Lately, in the visual media, almost all the "doctor" programs broadcast in the morning hours of many television channels; Starting to return to the lessons taught at medical school has become annoying. Therefore, I will be very careful not to bore you.

If we list the main factors that are effective in the onset of a migraine attack:

1) Psychological Stress and mood disorders:It is a situation that almost every person encounters and experiences in daily life. It plays the most important role in triggering migraine.

2) Hormonal disorders:

2) Hormonal disorders: strong> It becomes important, especially in women of reproductive age, due to the effect of hormonal fluctuations during menstrual periods. In other words, the active role of hormones due to the menstrual period can trigger migraine. In fact, some female patients with migraine have migraine attacks only during the menstrual period. The pain intensifies during the menstrual period.

3) Sleep disorders: Sleep Sleep problems caused by being tall, not getting quality sleep, and having to go to bed late and wake up early due to irregular living conditions can also trigger migraine pain.

4) Smells and personal habits: Most importantly It is CIGARETTE. Then comes ALCOHOL. These two poisons play a very important facilitating role in the easy and frequent occurrence of migraine pain. Apart from these; It is also possible to list many trigger odors such as all kinds of perfumes, colognes, scented lotions and sprays, scented shampoos and gels, food odors, sweat and body odors.

5) Climate and weather changes:

5) Climate and weather changes:

5) Climate and weather changes: strong> Although not in every patient, climate and weather changes can trigger pain in some migraine patients.

6) Foods: Some foods play a triggering role in some people.(These foods , we will talk about it later)

7) Bad Social environment: First of all, noisy environments come first. Music listened to at very high decibels or very noisy and noisy environments are always They are triggering risk factors.

We will continue our article series in part III…

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