Psycho-oncology is a field of health psychology that focuses on the psychological, social and behavioral aspects of cancer. It addresses the psychological, behavioral and social factors that cancer patients and their families may experience at all stages of the disease, as well as the psychological, behavioral and social factors that may affect the disease process.
General reactions to cancer
• Fatigue or sleep problems
• Inability to participate in daily life or enjoy fun activities
• Worry and anxiety: These are normal reactions to stressful situations. If your anxiety is bothersome, then you may want to talk to a psychologist about ways to cope with it.
• Anger and resentment: Feeling angry and upset with a cancer diagnosis is not unusual and can be very distressing.
• Low mood/mood: It is not uncommon to feel low after a cancer diagnosis or during or after treatment. It can negatively contribute to feelings of depression, sadness and grief, and permanent low mood.
Feeling insecure.
Ways/strategies for coping emotionally with cancer
• Energetic at the highest level, Don't expect to be productive or in your best mood. Set small goals for yourself and congratulate yourself on the small tasks you accomplish.
• Write your thoughts and feelings in a journal. This can help prevent rumination and negative thought clutter.
• Learning relaxation techniques such as meditation, muscle relaxation, mindfulness or yoga may be helpful.
• As with other mind-based problems. As a healthy body is possible with a healthy mind; Remember to exercise regularly, drink plenty of water, and avoid smoking and alcohol.
• Talk to other people. Share your feelings with people close to you. Reach out to other cancer patients who are in a similar situation to you, especially if you feel like you are the only person you feel these feelings for – But remember, everyone's disease and treatment is individual and unique.
When should I seek professional help?
From the moment you are diagnosed with cancer. Receiving psycho-social support will help you better manage the disease process and will significantly reduce the wear and tear on the patient's relatives. It may be helpful to discuss your problems and concerns with a specialist health psychologist or a psycho-oncologist. Can provide support and information; They can help you manage the challenges that arise from your cancer diagnosis and treatment. They can also teach you practical coping skills for relaxation, stress management, and how to overcome a vicious cycle mindset.
Should the patient's relatives also get support for themselves?
Definitely yes. Research emphasizes that relatives of cancer patients have more emotional needs than patients. It also shows that the patient's relatives suffer a lot of wear and tear during the disease process because they neglect their own care. OZ Psychological Counseling supports the possible problems of the patient's relatives in an empathic way – You are not alone!
Benefits of Psychological Scales and Evaluations
Psychological scales and assessments are used to obtain information about an individual's functioning that cannot be easily obtained in just a single interview. These scales may relate to behavioral health, relationships, medical, personality, cognitive, memory, occupational, or academic issues. Psychological scales can provide information about an individual's strengths and relative weaknesses. It can help understand complex problems and identify factors that may contribute to the maintenance of such problems.
Psychological testing can help shorten treatments, plan psychological support, establish goals with the client, identify potential obstacles to achieving positive results, and monitor progress over time. helps reduce overall costs.
Benefits of Health Psychology Scales Main:
• Helps understand complex diagnostic questions. It happens
• It is supportive in making a diagnosis when the diagnosis is unclear or there are concerns about the possible developing diagnosis
(e.g. depression, anxiety, insomnia, etc.).
• It determines possible cognitive and memory problems
• It clarifies treatment goals
• It helps people understand why problems still persist even if medication is used
• Identifying intellectual strengths and weaknesses
• Clarifying emotional problems
• Personality
• Cognitive and Memory function
• Identifying underlying psychological problems
• Assistance with focused treatment goals
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