Fixed Teeth in One Day with Implant Treatment

With the possibilities of viewing the lower and upper jaw bones in detail, the advanced surface properties of existing implants and the current state of tooth production technology, fixed dental treatment can be performed on the same day with the help of implants in mouths with no teeth. p>

This treatment concept allows patients to have temporary fixed teeth installed on the day of the surgery, thanks to the high support received from the bone by two long and angled implants placed in the back regions of the jaws.

After tooth extraction, the bone is also attached. Since some corrections are made, tooth extractions can be done in the same session as implants.

This concept has been implemented with high success rates all over the world for 20 years.

Which Patient Groups Can It Be Applied To? To whom it cannot be applied?

It can be applied to all patients for whom implant treatment is indicated. Full-mouth, fixed teeth can be performed on patients with osteoporosis in the back of the mouth, without the need for further bone surgery.

What Are the Treatment Stages?

What is Performed? Along with clinical and radiological examinations, your physician takes a detailed anamnesis from you. After the appropriate treatment plan is drawn up, your treatment begins with local anesthesia or sedation depending on your preference.

Teeth are extracted, bone arrangements are made, your implants are placed in the appropriate position, your previously prepared temporary prosthesis is adapted and screwed onto the implants. This entire treatment is performed in the same clinic and takes an average of 3-4 hours.

As you leave the clinic with your fixed teeth at the end of the day, our staff will make your next check-up appointment. This check-up appointment is after 10 days, you can have this check-up at any branch of our institution in the country or abroad.

When Should I Come Again?

Once your implants are made. Your permanent fixed dentures will be made at the earliest 4 months after your temporary teeth are placed. After 4 months, you can come and have your permanent teeth fixed whenever you want.

Products of German or Swiss origin are used for implants and prostheses. The implants used have a lifetime renewal guarantee under the assurance of both Aydınlar Sağlık and the implant company.

This Treatment Ç It Must Be Expensive.

This application not only provides you with profit by reducing the treatment time, but also reduces the cost compared to full mouth implants due to the reduced number of implants.

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