If we define learning as gaining knowledge, learning difficulties can be expressed as difficulties encountered in the process of gaining knowledge. Although the child has normal or above-normal intelligence, he/she has difficulty in one or more of the areas of listening, verbal and written expression, reading, writing, and mathematics.
Has normal or above-normal intelligence, does not have any other primary psychological problem. , Having no obvious brain pathology, Having no sensory problems (vision, hearing), Having intense difficulty in acquiring and using listening, speaking, reading, writing, reasoning and mathematical skills, Having problems with self-organization, social perception and interaction, Suitable for his age and intelligence It is detected in children who cannot achieve educational success.
In studies investigating the frequency of SLD, it is seen that the rate is 5% in school-age children, but in general, quite different results (1-33%) are reported. There are studies reporting that it is 2 times more common in men.
Factors blamed as the causes: Brain damage, Genetic - Hereditary Factors, Disorder in Neurological Functions (Disorder occurring in the stages of entering information into memory, processing, storing and outputting it as data).
Communication problems between the right and left hemispheres of the brain, disorder in phonological functions. Perceptual disorders (visual, auditory, tactile, spatial) may accompany and sometimes be confused with this picture.
Problems observed in children with learning disorders:
Confusing visual symbols (b-d; m-n; i-i; o-ö; 6-9), Inverting the word (ev-ve; very-aries; 12-21), Skipping lines while reading, losing one's place. Do not mix the order of letters (for-tile). Inability to understand what you read, reading slowly and incorrectly. Difficulty listening and following verbal instructions. Right-left and direction mixing. Time and space problems. Math difficulties (inability to memorize multiplication tables, mixing symbols in operations, etc.). It may be accompanied by secondary behavioral problems.
Difficulty in verbal and written expression. Attention and concentration difficulties. Auditory perception difficulty (confusing the sounds of letters) interferes with the painting and sometimes accompanies it.
It mainly appears as spelling errors. "p, b, d, m, n" s� These are letters that are often confused. Since they have difficulties in perceiving visual stimuli, reading and writing backwards is often observed. For example, writing "none" instead of "put". They often confuse numbers. Counting consecutively is an easy task. However, it is seen that they confuse counting by matching or categorizing and four operations such as writing 2 instead of 5, 9 instead of 6. There is no concept of direction and time. Symptoms such as not using punctuation marks, not being able to follow the texts while reading, incomplete reading and writing backwards are signs of the disorder.
The diagnosis of learning disability should be made with the help of a multi-axis classification system. Prevention programs starting in kindergarten, which have been found to increase the ability of children with a pre-diagnosis of SLD to acquire reading and spelling skills at school, are available and recommended.
Seeing the world with the right brain. Children with learning disabilities cannot use their left brain adequately.
SLD: It is the inability to learn even though there is no intelligence problem. For example; Reading, writing, multiplication tables, operations, months, days, rhythmic counting, dressing and undressing, planning, time, catching a ball etc.
Although it tends to last a lifetime, the symptoms may fade with treatment. • It is also accompanied by social interaction problems. There are problems in reading, writing and arithmetic. There are different ways of thinking. They have low self-confidence. They do not realize their genius side.
A child with SLD
Not sitting at the beginning of the lesson, • Not paying attention, • Doing it slowly, • Homework taking too long, • They have problems with always needing approval from others, • Always needing help, • Never doing homework, • Lying.
So How Do Children with SLD Learn?
They learn by using the right brain.
By using a lot of visual materials,
By repeating frequently,
Developing their own thought systems,
They learn by creative methods.
>They think very well, but they cannot memorize.
Give time to learn, do not rush. Support Help. Make it easy Push it to develop.
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