What is In Vitro Fertilization? Who can undergo in vitro fertilization?
In Vitro Fertilization is the process of taking the egg out of the mother's body and fertilizing it outside the body by placing it in the same environment as the sperm in an environment that mimics the human body. The first live birth was achieved in England in 1978, and since then, not only in women with blocked tubes, but also in many causes of infertility (obstruction of the tubes, common adhesions around the uterus and ovaries, endometriosis, male factor, infertility due to immune system problems, infertility of unknown cause). While in the first years, 1-2 naturally occurring eggs were collected laparoscopically, later on, with the introduction of ovulation stimulating drugs, it became possible to retrieve 8-9 eggs from the woman and the chance of success of the procedure increased significantly.
Classical In Vitro Fertilization. (IVF)
In classical in vitro fertilization treatment, the eggs taken from the expectant mother are placed side by side with the sperm taken from the expectant father in a laboratory environment and the sperm is expected to fertilize the egg. For this process, at least 50,000 sperm must come together per egg.
Drug-Free In Vitro Fertilization (IVM)
In drug-free in vitro fertilization (IVM) treatment, drugs are used at a minimum rate in patients where they can harm the body. It is a method in which it is applied or not used at all. Eggs are collected under general anesthesia. After the eggs are collected, they are allowed to mature outside the body in a laboratory environment. Afterwards, the microinjection method is applied with the sperm taken from the patient's spouse to ensure the fertilization of the egg. Finally, the embryo is placed into the uterus.
In Vitro Fertilization with Microinjection (ICSI) Method
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI - pronounced as iksi) is a single sperm that is held under a microscope with special glass needles. It is a technique of injecting into the egg cytoplasm. The Turkish translation of the phrase means sperm injection into the cytoplasm. The first pregnancy was achieved with the microinjection method (ICSI) in 1992 and it revolutionized male factor-related infertility.
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