Flap Surgery and Curettage Treatment for Loose Teeth and Gum Recession

Loosening of the roots of the teeth and their loosening for this reason is one of the most important dental problems that should be taken into consideration. There may be many reasons for this. It is necessary to consult a dentist in order to avoid tooth loss.

The most common cause of loose teeth is gum problems. The tissue around and between the teeth is called gums. Healthy gums play a leading role in healthy oral and dental health.

When gum health begins to deteriorate for various reasons, the first problem that occurs is gum bleeding. If this problem is ignored and left untreated, the problem will grow and cause gum recession. This gum recession will cause melting and recession in the jawbone over time. Gum recession causes serious problems such as tooth sensitivity, tooth root decay and aesthetic problems. In fact, a significant portion of recessions can lead to tooth loss.

In addition to structural factors, wrong brushing habits, bacterial plaque and tartar, toothpicks, etc. are frequently placed between the teeth. Factors such as tooth extraction and some incorrectly applied dental treatment procedures cause gum recession. It has been determined that another cause of gum recession is the habit of clenching the teeth. This can be prevented by using night guards.

So what treatment methods can be applied for gum problems?

The first treatment step is dental scaling.

The second step to eliminate gum problems is to clean the teeth and gums carefully. This method is known as curettage. In curettage treatment, the spaces around the tooth, gums and root surface are thoroughly scraped and cleaned. The aim is for the gums to surround the tooth tightly, as it should. In this treatment, local anesthesia is used to prevent the patient from feeling any pain.

If the gum problem is severe and the bones around the teeth have melted, the treatment to be applied is a flap operation. By applying local anesthesia, the gum is removed and the problematic tissue is scraped and eliminated. If necessary, it is applied to support the bone structure. But things are done. The procedure is then completed by suturing the gums.

Gum problems require sensitivity as they cause serious dental and health problems. Therefore, regular medical check-ups should not be neglected, and when symptoms are observed, they should be shown to a specialist physician. Only in this way can tooth loss be prevented.

Istanbul Implantology provides its services to its patients in the most appropriate way with the solutions and treatment methods it produces for tooth and gum problems.

Gum Treatment and Flap Operation:

Gum is the name of the tissue found around and between the teeth. Since the condition of the gums directly affects the condition of the teeth, it is an element that requires care in the mouth. Therefore, medical check-ups should not be neglected, and when negativities occur, they should be referred to a specialist physician. In this way, tooth loss can be prevented, aesthetic integrity is preserved and loss of self-confidence is prevented.

In addition to various structural factors, incorrect brushing habits, bacterial plaque and tartar, toothpicks, etc. are frequently placed between the teeth. Factors such as tooth extraction and some incorrectly performed dental treatment procedures cause gum recession. Another reason for gum recession is the habit of clenching the teeth.

Gum problems can be easily prevented with regular dentist checks. In the first stage, deterioration of gum health occurs with bleeding and a red and swollen appearance. Bad breath is also one of the indicators of gum problems. When these signs are ignored, gum recession occurs. These recessions cause tooth root decay and aesthetic problems in the smile. It even causes melting and recession in the bone around the teeth over time.

Treatment methods for gum problems are various. The size of the gum problem is the determining factor in the treatment method. If the gum problem is at an initial level, a detailed dental scaling is sufficient. If the gum problem is a little more advanced, curettage treatment is recommended. This method is applied by scraping and cleaning the gum and root surface and the spaces around the teeth. ir. If the gum problem is severe, the treatment method that should be preferred is called flap operation. It is performed by opening the gum, lifting it, cleaning it, and then sewing it closed.

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