What is a Cochlear Implant?
A cochlear implant is an electronic medical device that replaces the function of the damaged inner ear. Unlike hearing aids, which amplify sounds, cochlear implants do the work of damaged parts of the inner ear (cochlea) to provide sound signals to the brain.
Who are they good for?
A cochlear implant may be beneficial to people with the following conditions:
Those who have moderate to severe hearing impairment in both ears, those who see little or no benefit from hearing aids, those who cannot improve their speech by using hearing aids, Those who score 50% or lower in sentence perception tests performed by audiologists in the ear to be implanted. Those who score 60% or lower in sentence perception tests performed by audiologists in the non-implanted ear or in both ears where hearing aids are used. Many people use cochlear implants in both ears ( two sided). Listening with two ears can improve your ability to detect the direction of sound and distinguish sounds you want to hear from those you don't.
How do they work?
Cochlear Implants provide little or no benefit from hearing aids. It is an electronic device designed to help those with severe to profound hearing loss. The Cochlear Implant system converts daily sounds into encrypted electrical stimulations. Stimulations stimulate the auditory nerve and the brain perceives them as sound.
A Cochlear Implant system consists of two parts:
The inner part placed by surgery - Implant, Speech. The external part called processor Who Can Benefit from a Cochlear Implant?
Children and adults with congenital or acquired hearing loss can effectively benefit from a Cochlear Implant. Although it is not possible to predict how much benefit will be gained from a Cochlear Implant, the following evaluations are broadly valid.
Children with congenital hearing loss gain the greatest benefit if they receive Cochlear Implant surgery before the age of 5, especially before the age of 2. Cochlea: People who lose their hearing later and still retain their speech and language memory r They can get more benefits from the implant. The longer you have lived with severe hearing loss, the less likely you will benefit from the implant.
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