Be Careful in Your Weight Control

Do not get discouraged during your weight checks while losing weight through exercise and nutrition;

1-Do not weigh yourself frequently, it is difficult to start losing weight, first stay at a constant weight for a while,

2-If you are working out muscle. You may gain some weight, your fat will decrease and you may gain muscle, do not be discouraged,

3-It is difficult to lose weight without consuming plenty of water,

4-If you eat salty foods, there will be weight gain due to water retention,

5-Constipation makes it difficult to lose weight, be sure to choose a diet that will make your intestines work regularly,

6-The main thing that makes you lose weight is the weight you burn due to the body working even at rest, called basal metabolism, one hour fast. In addition to the 300-400 calories you burn while walking at a fast pace, your basal metabolism consumes 1500 calories.

b.Long fasts/nutrition style


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