3 Suggestions for Raising Psychologically Strong Children

You may forget to look at parenting from a bigger perspective by getting caught up in the problems of daily life such as your child's homework, basketball match, exam grades. As a result, many children cannot develop the spiritual strength they need to become responsible adults. You can help your child become stronger than they are now by applying the 3 items below.

1- Teach Realistic Thinking

Your child's thinking is how he/she feels and behaves. effects. That's why it's important to teach him how to deal with his negative thoughts. Just like adults, children struggle with thoughts like catastrophizing, self-doubt, and ruthless criticism. To the child who expresses these thoughts, parents can sometimes give answers such as 'stop worrying' or 'everything will be fine'. Many parents do not teach their children how to use healthy self-talk. This suggestion is not as simple as saying 'think positive', because children who do not trust that everything will be okay can be caught unprepared for the difficulties that life will bring.

For example; A child who says "I will never pass the math exam" can be taught to reframe this thought as "I can increase my score on the math exam by studying more and asking for help from my teacher." Children who think more realistically are more resilient and more self-confident in the face of difficulties.

You can teach your children to examine the evidence that supports and does not support a thought by acting as a thought detective. To the child who expresses a negative thought to you, "What makes you think this is true?" and ”what could be the evidence that this is not true?” You may ask.

2- Teach to Manage Their Emotions

According to a research conducted in a high school in America, 60% of young people are emotional. They do not feel ready for the realities of life because they do not have the skills needed to deal with uncomfortable emotions. Words like "don't be afraid" or "don't be sad" said by parents Words instill in children the idea that the emotions they feel are wrong or that they cannot cope with these emotions.

Teach children to recognize their emotions and label them. This is the first step towards coping with those feelings. A child who says, "I am anxious right now and this anxiety causes me to run away from scary things" will be better equipped to face his fears.


3- Teach Him to Take Positive Action

Some parents act too quickly to save children from the difficulties they face and do not give children the opportunity to make healthy choices.

Taking positive action; It means facing fears, being patient when tired, and acting according to your values ​​even if they are unpopular. Children who can act contrary to their emotions and tolerate being "uncomfortable" have a more combative attitude towards life.

Teach your children problem-solving skills, show them that they have the power to make changes on their own lives and the lives of others, and take action every day. Teach them that they can turn into a better version of themselves with small steps.

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