Do not be afraid of exercise during pregnancy
Exercise is an important part of a healthy life and can be applied during pregnancy by following certain rules. Exercise during pregnancy not only contributes to the better functioning of your circulatory and respiratory systems, but also helps you feel better, gain weight within appropriate limits, increase your self-confidence, and make you feel positive emotions. It also reduces your sleep problems and waist and back pain. corrects body disorders..
The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), the largest national organization, has published new exercise guidelines for women during and after pregnancy. According to updated recommendations published in December 2015, women with uncomplicated pregnancies should be encouraged to participate in regular strength-balancing exercises such as Prenatal Pilates and aerobic activities such as BumpBarreTM during and after pregnancy, as physical activity during pregnancy is low risk and has been shown to benefit most women, but normal anatomical and some changes may be necessary depending on physiological changes and fetal needs. Regular physical activity provides physical condition, helps the body develop and manage weight, reduces the risk of gestational diabetes in obese women, helps reduce the likelihood of preeclampsia, cesarean section and operative vaginal birth, and increases psychological well-being. But there are some situations where exercising during pregnancy is strictly prohibited, for example:
The presence of heart and lung disease, cervical insufficiency, those with a history of premature birth, patients diagnosed with placenta previa, preeclampsia. and it is strictly forbidden to exercise for pregnant women with severe anemia.
However, the committee says"Bed rest is not effective in preventing preterm birth"and should not be routinely recommended. Because long-term bed rest or patients for whom physical restraint is recommended are at risk of venous thromboembolism, bone demineralization, and deconditioning. Although frequently recommended, bed rest is only rarely necessary and, in most cases, allowing movement should be considered
ACOG's published According to the directive, pregnant women with other mild complications such as Type 1 diabetes, hypertension, hyperthyroidism, intrauterine growth disorder can exercise with certain restrictions, but in these cases, all exercise should be individualized. or individualized exercise routines such as light Pilates sessions are recommended)
Before planning the exercise, the patient should be evaluated in detail by a gynecologist. If there is no medical obstacle, the appropriate exercise type should be selected and the exercise should be started.
Exercise There are some important points to consider during pregnancy:
Attention should be paid to proper hydration and adequate calorie intake. Because we can say that there is information about an increase in uterine constrictions due to dehydration and the resulting threat of premature birth.
During exercise, loosening, comfortable clothes should be worn and high temperatures and humidity should be avoided to prevent heat build-up.
In addition, pregnant women should stand upright and sit for long periods of time. Exercises that require time and certain immobile yoga positions should be avoided.
Exercise should be stopped and a doctor should be consulted in the following cases:
Sudden onset of abdominal pain, contractions in the uterus. , baby's movements stop and do not return despite adequate rest, bleeding, dizziness, visual disturbances, shortness of breath, palpitations, tachycardia (extreme acceleration of the pulse) not returning to normal with rest, severe backache, pubic region (pain and difficulty walking (the area of your pelvis located at the bottom of your abdomen).
For the obstetrician and other obstetric care providers, the postpartum period is a time to initiate, recommend, and reinforce a healthy lifestyle. opportunityrt
ACOGalso emphasized the importance of postnatal exercise; . Some reports indicate that the level of participation in exercise programs decreases after birth, which often leads to overweight and obesity. Breastfeeding mothers can participate in regular exercise programs without fear of affecting milk production or infant growth. Fitness programs and Pos for new mothers tnatal Pilates is thought to be the most suitable option
Conclusion Although pregnancy is associated with significant anatomical and physiological changes, exercise has minimal risks but has been shown to be more beneficial in most women. If
If you are having an uncomplicated pregnancy, do not forget to participate in physical activities before, during and after pregnancy.
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