Let's take a look at the content of the titles of Clinical Psychologist and Psychotherapist...
The title of Clinical Psychologist is the scientific qualification level that expresses the expertise in the clinical field of psychology. As a result of clinical psychology training, the person is entitled to receive the title of Clinical Psychologist. It is given to specialists who have completed their clinical master's degree or to psychiatrists who have graduated from medicine.
In this case, it cannot be said that every clinical psychologist is qualified to practice psychotherapy. In this respect, I think it would be the most natural right of the clients to question the competence of the person who provides the service they receive, because in our country, there is no unit to carry out this inspection in the field of psychology, which does not have a professional law.
There is still no professional law. this is important to me, so there are many abuses in the execution of this sublime profession. Being deprived of legal restrictions and protections in a profession brings along legal gaps, and unfortunately, these gaps are filled by unqualified people in our country in an unethical manner, ignoring human health; So much so that, these eyes saw people who did not receive basic psychology education, who graduated from PDR, sociology, even business, accounting, after two years of clinical psychology master's degree, while visiting channel by channel and receiving clients as my psychotherapist,,,
Especially where humanity has passed through. In this chaotic and challenging pandemic period, the mental health of the society should be a priority and an issue that needs to be rehabilitated, and it does not make any sense for individuals to be deprived of this service.
Film Suggestion: Appropriate and a film emphasizing the importance of psychotherapy for the well-being of human life: "Good Will Hunting" is an Oscar-winning film written by Matt Damon and Ben Affleck and co-starring Robin Williams. Have a good time ...
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