If you are a strict vegetarian or have lactose intolerance, you can try the milk recipes I will give you below:
Soy Milk
250 g soybeans
2 liters of water
Preparation:Water is added to the soybeans and left for 6-8 hours. The peeled soybeans are boiled with some water for a while. Then they are put through the blender. If the consistency is too solid, water is added again. The pureed soybeans are diluted and put on the stove. It is heated. Then, soy milk is obtained by passing the rough part through cheesecloth.
Oat Milk
1 glass of milled oatmeal
4 glasses of water
Preparation:Put the oats and water in a tightly closed container and leave it in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, shake the container for 1 minute and strain it through cheesecloth. You can add cinnamon and coconut to sweeten it as you wish.
Rice Milk
1 cup brown rice
2 glasses of water
Preparation:After the brown rice is cleaned, it is washed thoroughly. It is soaked in water for a few hours. Then it is put on the stove and cooked. It is cooked. Rice is added to the blender and water is added. Blend until smooth.
Almond Milk
1 cup of raw almonds
4 cups of water
Preparation :Add the raw almonds to a deep bowl and add water. Leave it for about 8 hours until the shells are removed. Blend the almonds with the shells removed, pour the remaining water into the bowl. Blend until the mixture is smooth.
Coconut Milk
2 cups grated coconut
5 cups of water
Preparation:The freshly bought coconut is grated. Add the coconut grate and water to the blender and blend for about 5 minutes. Work It is then left at room temperature with its mouth closed for about 1 hour. Then it is put through the blender for a few more turns. It is passed through a strainer lined with cheesecloth and the pulp is separated from the water.
Cashew Milk
200 g cashew nuts
1 liter of hot water
Preparation:After washing the cashew nuts, they are placed in a deep bowl. Hot water is added. Let it sit for at least 4 hours and filtered. Then the cashew nuts are added again with hot water. It is passed through the blender. It is passed through a strainer covered with cheesecloth.
Hazelnut Milk
100 grams of raw hazelnuts
400 ml of water
Preparation:Hazelnuts in one The hazelnuts are soaked in water overnight. The next morning, the hazelnuts are drained, water is added and blended until smooth. The pulp is passed through a tube.
Hemp Milk
1 kg hemp seeds
2 liters of water
Preparation:The hemp seeds are soaked in water for half an hour and then filtered. They are kept in water for another half an hour for washing. Then they are put through the blender. Filtered through a strainer lined with cheesecloth.
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