What is Tennis Elbow?

It was named tennis elbow because it was a disease first identified in tennis players. However, very few of the patients are tennis players. Although it occurs frequently in athletes involved in racquet sports, the disease can occur in anyone who does repetitive and strenuous work with the wrist. Tennis elbow can occur in all occupational groups that perform strenuous wrist movements for more than 2 hours a day. Tennis elbow occurs frequently, especially in painters, plumbers, carpenters and even housewives who do intense housework. The most common age range is between 30-50 years of age. Tennis elbow occurs with pain and tenderness on the outer side of the elbow, and pain radiating to the forearm is observed. It begins with micro tears in the tendons, also known as the lateral epicondyle, which are attached to the bone on the outer edge of the elbow. The disease progresses as a result of low-intensity trauma to the muscle and bone ligaments in this tendon due to repetitive strain.

What are the symptoms of tennis elbow?

The pain felt in the bone protrusion on the outer edge of the elbow. Spreading to the forearm is the first major symptom. It manifests itself with pain extending from the elbow to the wrist, especially when force is applied to an object. The intensity of the pain increases as the load is placed on the wrist.

As a result of this pain, weakness in the arm muscles and the inability to lift heavy objects are the first symptoms. In the later stages, it manifests itself even in simple actions such as making a fist, shaking hands, turning a door handle.

What are the treatment methods? What exercises can be done?

This disorder is related to the wrist, elbow and forearm. Physiotherapy exercises must be performed in these areas. It is also used in treatments such as kinesiology taping, ESWT treatment and dry needling. If the pain is not severe, the progression of the disease can be prevented by methods such as ice therapy or taking a break if doing sports, and the PRP method can be applied. The last resort is surgery.


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