Coronavirus infection (COVID-19), which first appeared in China in December 2019, has spread all over the world, and the number of cases is rapidly increasing in our country.
To protect yourself from virus infection, follow general health rules (Wash your hands frequently, Wash by rubbing with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, social distance, isolation, etc.).
Postpone your routine check-ups unless there is an emergency, do not contact health institutions.
Pay attention to your nutrition and sleep patterns during this period.
br /> Measure and monitor your blood sugar more often. Especially when you feel bad or experience an unusual situation (eating disorder, high fever, infection, etc.), be sure to measure your blood sugar more frequently (4-7 times) and make sure your blood sugar is within safe ranges.
If you think that you are not eating enough for any reason, or if you have complaints such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, please first contact healthcare professionals and institutions by phone.
If your blood sugar is low (below 80 mg/dl). Take precautions, if the decrease continues, first contact healthcare professionals and institutions by phone.
If you feel symptoms of high blood sugar, if your sugar persists above 300 mg/dl, if your general condition has deteriorated, be sure to contact the health institutions that follow you or are closest to you
In case of any emergency, if there is a physician or diabetes nurse you can contact, consult these healthcare professionals first before coming face to face. . If the urine ketone test is positive, be sure to contact your doctor, diabetes nurse or
health institutions.
If you have persistent fever, dry cough, shortness of breath and respiratory distress, immediately call the SABÄ°M 184 support line, which is the Ministry of Health Advisory Line. Remember that these are important for us and you to meet in healthier days.
Stay at home, stay healthy.
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