Treatment of Burn Sequelaes

Treatment of burn sequelae, in other words, is described as burn and burn scar treatment, and is an important type of medical treatment to be applied in the process of eliminating burns, healing wounds, and preventing or removing subsequent scars. What is important in this field is the experience and success of the specialist physician. Because healing of wounds and preventing scarring depend on a specialist physician and focused medication use. Burn treatment is not actually a job that can be handled by a doctor, because it is team work. The most important member of this team is the patient.

In case of burns, acute treatment is applied immediately after the trauma. Then, the regeneration process of the damaged and lost skin and other tissues begins. In this important process, the Department of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery plays a major role in the repair of all body tissue loss for rapid, painless and scarless recovery.

Burn is a major health problem all over the world, and what needs to be done in the first stages of burn formation is body It varies depending on the type and burn rate.

What to Do in Case of a Burn

Although there may be variability depending on the nature of the burn, in general, the factor that causes the burn should be avoided first. It should never be contacted with any external factors other than cold water. Then, you should apply to the nearest health institution. Treatment is important.

Treatment Methods Applied to Burns

For burns that do not heal, tissues from different parts of the body are used. Laser, medication and surgical interventions can be used as needed. Fat injections into the burn wound provide softening and aesthetic healing thanks to stem cells. There is an improvement and normalization in appearance.

How are shrinkages in hands, fingers, arms, neck, legs and breasts treated?

Tissue transplantation or tissue shifting. Almost all shrinkage treatments have become possible thanks to techniques called so-called.

Note : In case of a burn, the causative factor is important before the result. Chemical, radiative, natural etc. Intervention should be made according to burns caused by factors. In addition, these factors affect healing and scarring.

WARNING: In case of burns, treatment should be applied under the supervision of a doctor, and medication and treatment should not be administered without the doctor's knowledge.

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