Family therapy undoubtedly overlaps with couple and marriage therapy, but its origins are slightly different. Couples therapy was developed as the number of clients seeking help for relationship problems increased. Family therapy, on the other hand, was developed after many people who showed clinically significant progress in individual treatment, usually in institutional settings, experienced relapse after returning home. Another approach to resolving family disorders is structural family therapy (Minuchinirbirlerini, 1974). According to this approach based on systems theory, if the familial context can be changed, the experiences of each member within the family will also change and they will begin to behave differently in line with the changing requirements of the new family context. Therefore, one of the important goals of structural family therapy is to change the organization of the family so that family members behave more supportive and less pathogenic towards each other. Structural family therapy focuses on current interactions and requires the therapist to adopt an active, but non-directive approach. The therapist first gathers information about the family by acting as a member of the family and participating in interactions in the family. A structural map of typical interaction patterns in the family. In this way, we can determine whether the boundaries of the family system are rigid or flexible, who dominates the power structure, who is blamed when things go wrong, etc. sees. After all this is understood, he begins to work on changing the interaction between members; They often interfere with each other's relationships (overly intrusiveness), overprotectiveness, rigidity, and poor conflict resolution skills, etc. An attempt is made to change it.

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