Fat accumulated in the belly area is a nuisance for all of us. So how can we get rid of these fats?
By having healthy snacks regularly, your metabolism will accelerate. When metabolism accelerates, it helps reduce fat tissue in the body. The small snacks we add to our diet provide portion control before meals and prevent excessive food consumption. In this way, existing storages are used for energy production. Fat loss occurs primarily from the areas where the body stores it.
The amount of calcium consumed daily helps get rid of the fat stored around the belly. Calcium helps remove excess fat from the intestines before it is absorbed. The yoghurt, milk, buttermilk, cheese and dark green leafy vegetables we consume during the day are sources of calcium.
Emphasizing fibrous foods in our diet helps reduce intra-abdominal fat.
It is necessary to avoid processed refined carbohydrates because consumed foods with high carbohydrate content such as white bread, sugar or rice are stored as fat in the body and cause edema in the abdominal area. When consuming food, we should choose complex carbohydrates such as oats, whole grain bread and bulgur.
If we want to have a flat stomach, we should avoid consuming food after 21.00 at night.
Consuming fiber foods with high vitamin C, beta carotene and antioxidant contents provides long-term satiety and reduces intra-abdominal fat.
Rich in selenium and antioxidants. Insufficient consumption of nutrients causes fat around the waist.
Studies have proven that consuming 2 cups of green tea daily reduces fat around the waist.
Water consumption helps remove harmful substances produced during fat burning from the body and accelerates metabolism.
The importance of abdominal exercises, especially to reduce and shape fat in the abdominal area, should not be forgotten.
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