Psychological Changes During Menstruation and Coping Methods

Similar sentences such as "I feel very bad today", "I have nothing left to wear", "No one understands me", "I feel very ugly", "I have gained a lot of weight", "I don't feel like doing anything" are repeated every month. We can hear from many women and witness that they experience these problems. These problems, which men have difficulty in fully understanding, are not foreign to women. The menstrual period is accompanied by excessive emotionality, sensitivity, crying spells, tantrums, worrying about unnecessary things, an inner distress, and a feeling of anxiety. I am talking about (menstrual period). During this period, the person experiences: abdominal pain, weakness, fatigue, tenderness in the breasts, excessive sleepiness, nausea and vomiting, increase in appetite, dizziness, sweating, palpitations, gastrointestinal disorders, muscle aches, sexual intercourse. There are many situations that can cause physical distress such as changes in appetite, water retention in the body, migraine attacks, etc. In addition, psychological symptoms can also affect a person's daily life and make it unbearable.

Emotional and Behavioral During Menstruation Period Changes:

This Some of the symptoms can be seen during the menstrual period of most women. Unless these disorders affect the person's life too much, treatment is not recommended; However, if it affects the person's private and business life and functionality, if the person frequently regrets the mistakes he made during these periods, if his anger has become uncontrollable and if he can cause irreparable harm to himself or his environment, it would be beneficial to seek help from an expert. During this period, there are fluctuations in the progesterone hormone and the body's efforts to adapt to this. ur. For this reason, it is also beneficial to have a gynecological examination.

What can we do to reduce the problems experienced during menstrual period:

  • You should share with your close circle that you are sensitive during your period

    Ninety percent of women experience high levels of anger and restlessness before and during menstruation. Situations that are more tolerable in normal times evoke more feelings of disappointment and anger during this period. At this point, those who experience severe menstrual symptoms should inform their close circle about the issue, explain that this is a syndrome, and their relatives should be more understanding towards the person and should not perceive the behavior personally.

  • In bilateral relations, one should not hide behind your menstrual period.

  • Unlike the previous situation, this is a situation where a person frequently expresses this to his close circle and every negative behavior he does is expected to be tolerated. We should share with our loved ones that we are sensitive during these periods, but we should not forget that they are also human and may have different periods. Menstrual period should not be a period where we can express ourselves rudely without thinking about anything, where people will not react to us because we are on our period, and where we can make secondary profits. For this reason, you should be aware that you are sensitive during your menstrual period and accordingly, you should avoid behaviors that you may regret later, and you should work on how you can control your emotions, thoughts and behaviors during these periods or get support.

  • Important problems. You should not try to solve it during this period, you should postpone it.

  • During this period, you may overestimate the problems and the situation may become inextricable. Therefore, it would be beneficial to postpone it until this period has passed. If there is any other psychological distress, it may increase further during this period. For example, a person who is depressed may also consider suicide during this period. If you experience such a situation frequently, it is extremely important to get support.

  • Put on make-up, go to the hairdresser, do shopping.

  • Many people feel ugly during their menstrual period. Hair not taking shape, face Such as spotty appearance on the skin, edema and weight gain due to salt retention in the body, and not liking the clothes you wear. However, during this period, instead of being offended by the mirrors; Putting on light make-up, going to the hairdresser, or taking time for yourself to feel beautiful, going shopping will actually be good for the person.

  • Take a walk outdoors

  • The person will be relieved of stress. If possible, one should stay away from environments that create negative effects and use various exercises and relaxation techniques. Comfortable clothes, relaxation exercises with music, and not too heavy relaxation and pain-reducing exercises may be recommended.

  • Meditate

  • Various meditations or making positive suggestions to ourselves may help. It may be useful..

  • Regulate your eating habits

  • It may be good to reduce caffeine intake and indulge ourselves with small desserts to a not excessive extent.

  • Take a warm shower

  • Taking a warm shower will relax you and will not harm your menstrual period.

  • Have a pleasant time with your friends

  • Negative psychology during menstruation often makes women lonely. However, during this period, it will definitely be good to be with people with high energy and with whom you have a good time and to spend time with them.

  • Rest

  • Go home, buy a movie that you will enjoy. , a portion of ice cream and sleeping may also be a good idea.

    The most important thing is that this period is temporary and all these emotional sensitivities are temporary, these symptoms are a hormonal change caused by the characteristics of this period and that is why we feel like this. It should not be forgotten.

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