Welcome to my world. I am a child. I want to share something with you. You know, sometimes I have a hard time understanding my mother. Yes, this may seem strange to you, but it is a very complicated situation for me. Sometimes I feel like he is very happy, very interested in me, even as if he would lay the whole world at my feet. Then I say, yes, he loves me very much, but sometimes there are times when I find him as if all the dark clouds have descended on him, he has broken away from everything and has forgotten me. It's like there's no connection between us. I wonder if he doesn't love me this time?
Yes, we all experience ups and downs in our lives. Sometimes we get sad and want to do nothing for a while, sometimes we get very happy and jump around to share all our joy. As human beings, it is normal to live opposite poles together. But some individuals may experience these black and whites and bursts of energy very intensely, and in sad situations, they may go to the bottom and stay there for a while, hindering their functionality in their lives. In the words of Nesimi, "Sometimes we go up to the sky and watch the world with enthusiasm, sometimes we crash to the earth, the world watches us mockingly." These feelings, which even poems translate, are scientifically explained as bipolar disorder. These ups and downs are challenging for individuals with this diagnosis. This is not only difficult for them, but also for the people living with them. Having a bipolar parent is different, especially for children. Because children may have difficulty understanding the reason for unusual and excessive changes in their parents' emotional state, may attribute different meanings to it, or may feel worried for both themselves and their parents. That's why many bipolar patients have many questions in their minds when they want to have a child (I wonder if I should have a child? If I do, how will this situation affect my child?) or whether to have a child or not. There may be people who face this situation later. These individuals, who as mothers think best for their children, think about how to protect their children in this situation. So, in this case, what kind of protective factors can be created for children?
The baby's communication with the mother starts from birth and this communication is based on basic needs (breastfeeding the child). to hold him, to hold him, to clean his diaper, to put him to sleep, etc.). Of course, not only physical needs are met, but babies also expect emotional warmth, such as being caressed. The baby develops a healthy bond with the person who meets both his physical and emotional needs. People with this diagnosis may neglect their children when they are in a depressed mood. For this reason, having an alternative caregiver, such as a father or grandmother, can help them meet their needs in this process and prevent them from becoming indifferent.
By informing children about the disease at later stages, we can help them understand their parents' behavior. . We can explain this in simple terms using visual materials. For example, a rainbow could be a nice material for them. The rain is the unhappy mood of the parents, the sun is the happy side of them, the rainbow is the balance we want to have. We can explain these to them by creating colored cardboards or drawing with them, and thus make it easier for them to understand and synthesize.
We can teach the child coping methods, for example, waiting for the mother to get better.
We can increase their psychological resilience by strengthening their communication skills and problem-solving abilities by creating strong social support networks such as family members, friends, teachers, counselors.
Thanks to the protective and supportive factors mentioned above, the child and parent can learn to cope with the disease more easily, and a good and healing result can be achieved with detailed work in cooperation between the child-client-specialist. In this way, both mother and child can learn to escape the effects of rain and sun and stay in the world of the rainbow.
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