With the aging population, arthrosis, that is, calcification, has become the most common disease. Osteoarthritis can affect almost all joints in the body. The most important of these joints are the knee and spine. The most devastating effects of arthritis occur in the knee. Since the knee is one of the most loaded joints and is directly related to weight, it is exposed to repetitive microtrauma. Over time, especially in women, when the protective effect of the estrogen hormone disappears with menopause, knee arthritis occurs. Risk factors for knee arthritis include age, female gender, being overweight, and overuse of the knee.

Many different methods are used in the treatment of knee arthritis. Physical therapy, knee injection treatments, nutritional supplements, antirheumatic painkillers and surgery are frequently used treatments. Apart from this, especially patients who cannot get results with other treatments can turn to non-scientific paramedical treatments (cupping, black cumin, etc.) as a last hope.

We have three essentials in the treatment of knee arthritis; The patient should take good care of his knees, weight control and exercise. Unfortunately, these are the most neglected ones in the treatment of knee arthritis. In recent years, injections have begun to be used frequently in knee arthritis. Among these, cortisone has been used for many years. Na-hyalurinate, also known as cockscomb among the public, is applied in a single dose or in 3 doses at intervals. In recent years, PRP (platelet rich plasma) injections have begun to be used frequently. They all have different mechanisms of action and should be used in the right patient at the right time. Cortisone is a very powerful antirheumatic drug. It is not performed in the early stages of knee arthritis; it should be preferred in moderate or advanced cases. Especially if there is fluid in the knee (bursitis, effusion) and the patient is in a lot of pain, cortisone should be preferred. If the fluid in the knee is drained with the help of ultrasound, the result will be much more successful. It can provide a sense of well-being for four months to a year. Cortisone can be administered in preparation for other injection treatments, especially PRP treatment. Especially if the pain is severe and there is fluid in the knee, cortisone can be administered first to suppress the patient's pain and PRP treatment can be started after a while. Thus, making PRP treatment effective The patient does not experience pain until it occurs. NA-hyalurinate injections can be given in 3 doses or in a single dose. It is mostly preferred in early cases, if there is no excess fluid in the knee. It covers the knee cartilages, reducing friction and wear. It should not be used in advanced cases of calcification as it is not effective. Since PRP treatment is a treatment that directly aims to improve knee cartilages, it should be preferred especially in mild and moderate calcifications if the pain is not severe. It may also work partially in advanced cases. Cortisone treatment can be applied at least 1 month before PRP treatment, and Na hyalurinate injections can be applied at close intervals with PRP treatment.

Cortisone injections should be used with caution as they may increase blood sugar and blood pressure. If done frequently, it may cause weight gain. It should be kept in mind that there may be an allergic response to Na hyalurinate injections. Among these injection treatments, PRP should be the first choice because it has no side effects and can be effective in all stages of calcification. In cases where the pain is very severe, cortisone can be administered first and PRP injections can be started at least a month later. Injections must be made under ultrasound guidance. Otherwise, in 50% of cases, the needle may not be placed in the right place.

It should not be forgotten that these three injection treatments should be combined with the three essentials of arthritis treatment. In other words, after these injection treatments, the patient must do the exercises given to him, if he is overweight, he must lose weight or at least not gain weight, and he must avoid activities that will strain the knee.


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