As we continue our lives, the important thing is to continue with a healthy, happy self. The higher we improve our quality of life, the more livable life will be for us. Small touches to our nutrition will make our life enjoyable, healthy and of high quality. Garlic is the one that will be with us in these touches!
Garlic is a cultivated plant that grows at a height of 25-100 cm and has a herbaceous stem and root, leaves, flowers, teeth and pink flowers or greenish-white flowers. We see that the magic of garlic was discovered in ancient times in Sumerian clay tablets dating back to 2600-2100 BC. It has been discovered that garlic was used in recipes in Egypt, Rome, India, China and Greece. In fact, the Egyptians worshiped garlic and put garlic made of clay in the tomb of the Egyptian king Tutankhamen.
Garlic contains many chemicals in its structure. The most important chemical is allicin, a volatile oil. In addition, garlic contains vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, niacin, vitamin C and various minerals.
The garlic varieties grown in our country are Balıkesir garlic, Black garlic, Kastamonu garlic, Spanish garlic and Italian garlic. Kastamonu garlic, also known as white garlic, is the type of garlic used in treatment.
Allyl sulphide, which consists of essential and sulfurous oils, gives garlic its pungent smell. Experiments were conducted on animals with this substance, and in this experiment it was observed that allyl sulfide neutralizes carcinogenic substances.
Garlic increases the production of glutathione, an important antioxidant in our body.
Hippocrates used to treat cervical cancer using garlic steam.
In a study conducted with male ICR mice, mice to which garlic was added had less lipids in their tissue and blood samples than the other group. It has been observed that there is less cholesterol and triglycerides in their livers. In other words, allicin found in garlic lowers LDL cholesterol and increases HDL cholesterol.
Dioscorides, the Lokman Physician of the Western world, argued that garlic is good for the arteries and expands the veins. Studies have proven that people who consume garlic have fewer cardiovascular diseases than those who do not consume it.
Garlic affects blood pressure and reduces blood pressure. Studies have shown that when people with high blood pressure disease consume garlic every day, their blood pressure is balanced. In China and Japan, garlic is used to treat patients with hypertension.
Viruses are resistant and antibiotics do not affect viruses. Garlic has both anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties.
Allicin contained in garlic has an antibiotic effect. Russians used garlic to treat flu and whooping cough in the 18th century. The quercetin and cyanidin bioflavonoids it contains prevent infections. It has been proven to be more effective than penicillin in throat infections. Additionally, during World War II, there was a shortage of antibiotics and garlic was used.
Garlic and its components prevent the spread of tumors. It prevents and repairs changes in DNA.
Antioxidants fight with us against free radicals in our body. Sulfhydryl, an antioxidant, is found in garlic.
Raw garlic extract protects us against metal poisoning. That's why garlic is given to workers working in industrial areas in cases of metal poisoning.
Garlic acts like a magic wand on blood sugar, reducing diabetic complications and insulin resistance.
It reduces the formation of fibrin and plaque structures in the blood. In this way, it also reduces the risk of heart attack. It contains the substance ajoene, which prevents blood clotting, and therefore individuals with hemorrhagic (bleeding) complaints should not consume garlic.
Garlic, which has been used since Egypt and Ancient Greece, is an essential ingredient for a healthy and quality life. I think he deserves to be your companion on the road!
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