Let your body breathe with PRP treatment

Our body is healing itself all the time. The miraculous proteins found in the clotting cells in our blood
ensure the repair of our tissues.

What is PRP Treatment?
There are 150-400 thousand clotting cells in 1 milliliter of our blood. The blood taken from the patient goes through a number of thickening and concentrating processes.
It becomes blood rich in clotting cells. The resulting product is called “PRP”. A good PRP should have at least over 1 million clotting cells per milliliter.

In which cases is PRP treatment used?

As a result of wear and tear in the joints over time, cartilage tissue wears out and friction increases. Joints begin to make noise, swell, and cause pain, and our movements
become increasingly restricted. This condition is called calcification (arthrosis).

PRP treatment is mostly used in knee calcification today. Apart from this, PRP treatment has found use in the following diseases:
• Anterior cruciate ligament injury
• Meniscus tears
• Shoulder muscle tears
• Tennis elbow (lateral epicondylitis)
• Golfer's elbow (medial epicondylitis)
• Tendinitis
• Ankle sprain
• Treatment of tendon tears
• Heel spur
• Heel pain ...

For a successful PRP treatment;

1- The disease should be diagnosed correctly and PRP treatment should be performed in appropriate patients.

2- Quality preparation kits that can concentrate enough clotting cells should be used.


3- PRP treatment should be applied to the correct area by expert and experienced physicians. Does PRP treatment have side effects? Since PRP, which is obtained from the person's own blood, is administered to the patient himself, the product has no direct side effects. It does not damage tissues or cause side effects such as allergies.
However, after PRP treatment that is not performed under sterile conditions and in expert hands, injection-related complications such as infection and joint damage may develop.

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