There is a simple logic behind PRP treatment. First, some blood is taken from the body of the person to be treated. This blood is then separated from plasma by applying a special process. The plasma obtained is returned to the application site by injection. Plasmas display a very rich structure in terms of cells called platelets. The main function of platelets in the body is to ensure blood clotting. However, platelets also contain some growth factors. Therefore, platelets play a significant role when it comes to wound healing. It is used in skin rejuvenation procedures in dermatology applications for cosmetic purposes. In addition, PRP treatment is also used in healing cracks, eliminating hair loss and orthopedic applications. It provides natural rejuvenation and healing without administering any foreign substance or medication to the body.
We have said that platelets form the backbone of PRP treatment due to the growth factors they contain. Due to this feature, PRP treatment has found use in many branches of medicine. Many changes occur in your skin due to the effects of environmental factors and advancing age. The elasticity of your skin will decrease, sagging will increase and wrinkles will increase. The reason for all this is the decrease in collagen and fiber production in the skin. The purpose of PRP treatment is to reactivate collagen and fiber production and thus eliminate skin problems. The PRP process, which can be applied to the skin, can also be applied to prevent hair loss and strengthen the hair.
On average, the loss of 100 to 150 hairs per day is considered normal by the authorities. is done. If the number is higher, this indicates hair loss. PRP treatment has achieved significant success in preventing hair loss. As we mentioned, in the PRP process, the patients' own blood is taken and subjected to a special separation process. Platelets obtained from blood are injected into the area where hair loss occurs to nourish the hair follicles and ensure their development. Specially This method is even more effective if there is genetic hair loss. It is possible for PRP application to be accompanied by hair mesotherapy.
For PRP application for hair, 10 cc of the patient's venous blood is taken. This amount corresponds to 10% of a tea glass. The blood is centrifuged and divided into red and white. Red blood carries white blood cells, platelets, clotting factors and PFT (platelet growth factors). The red blood is then reprocessed. It will be injected into the area where the hair is falling out using the napage method. The aim is to renew the tissues in the area where the hair falls out.
Hair treatment with PRP takes about 30 minutes. There is no risk of patients getting hurt during the application. There will be no scars after the application, and people can continue their routine lives wherever they want. Hair treatment with PRP should be applied at 15-day intervals for 3 to 4 months. In the future, it is sufficient to apply it once every year. In this method, since the plasma used is obtained from the patient, there is no risk of allergy.
The procedure must be performed by a specialist doctor. First, the blood taken from the patient is placed in a special tube in a sterile environment. This blood is then placed in a tube containing gel. The substances in the blood in the centrifuged tube are separated for 5 to 8 minutes. In this way, the plasma part of the blood, which is rich in platelets and growth factors, will be separated. Then, it is time to apply the resulting mixture to the area where the hair is falling out by injection. Depending on the needs of the patients, the PRP process can be combined with mesotherapy. The results of the application are effective for the long term. The scalp can be revitalized and structured in the easiest way. It is practical and can be applied safely. What it supports is not only new collagen production, but also the vital functions of the scalp.
PRP treatment has no negative side effects. Do not experience any swelling, bruising or pain where the injection was given. It doesn't come to. Since patients' own blood is used, there is no risk of infection or allergy. It does not apply to people with bleeding diseases and platelet insufficiency
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