Chocolate Cyst (Endometriosis)

Cysts that occur as a result of the endometrium tissue, which forms the lining of the uterus, settling in a different region and/or organ in the body are called chocolate cysts. These cysts are usually seen in the lower abdomen and pelvis.

Endometrium tissue characteristically thickens, breaks down, and causes menstrual bleeding during the menstrual cycle in women.

Regardless of where this tissue is located, the same changes occur in each cycle. shows. Bleeding caused by the endometrium settled outside the uterus is not eliminated from the body. These tissues that are not removed from the body form the chocolate cyst.

Chocolate cyst is a very common problem seen in 10 out of every 100 women. These cysts, located outside the uterus, are filled with a liquid that looks like melted chocolate. Cysts do not disappear on their own and can cause different symptoms in each woman. It is very important to recognize the symptoms of chocolate cyst, which has a direct impact on infertility, and to consult a specialist for early intervention.

What are the Symptoms of Chocolate Cyst?

The symptoms of chocolate cyst manifest themselves intensely during the menstrual period. The main reason for this is that the endometrium tissue that forms the cyst thickens, grows and bleeds according to the menstrual cycle, regardless of the location where it is located. Since the symptoms of chocolate cysts appear during the menstrual period, they can be ignored by many women. Since pain and heavy bleeding during menstruation are quite normal conditions among women, these symptoms are generally not associated with a chocolate cyst or any other gynecological disease. However, with the presence of a chocolate cyst, pelvic pain and cramps begin to be felt before menstruation and continue throughout the cycle. Pain due to chocolate cyst can also be seen in the waist and abdomen, depending on the location of the cyst. Therefore, it is important for the person to determine the pain area well in terms of awareness. Heavier than normal bleeding during the menstrual period may also indicate a chocolate cyst.


Another symptom that occurs during the menstrual period is difficulty in going to the toilet during the menstrual period. Women who experience severe pain while going to the toilet may also experience bloating in the abdomen and gas in the intestines, in addition to this pain. Dilating is also among the most common symptoms.


How is Chocolate Cyst Treated?

Although there is no definitive treatment for chocolate cyst. However, there is no need for treatment in every case. For this reason, treatment planning is made by taking into account the symptoms experienced by the patients as well as their wishes to have children. Trying medical treatment before surgical intervention in the treatment plan depends on the decisions to be made at this point. If a chocolate cyst is located in the ovaries, surgical intervention is required without causing deformation in the ovarian tissue, depending on the size of the cyst. Surgical procedures that interfere with the ovarian tissue may cause infertility to come to the fore from another perspective.

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