60-90% of living organisms consist of water. We need water the most to survive and show signs of life. We begin to consume water, which is our source of life, in increasingly smaller quantities during the winter months as the weather gets colder. Since we think that water can only be drunk when we feel thirsty, it is not possible to consume it before. Do you know that drinking water after being thirsty actually means performing an action that is too late?
Thirst is an indication that the amount of fluid in our body has decreased. This amount is 0. When 5-1 kilograms of water loss occurs, a feeling of thirst begins to be felt. These amounts have the ability to create serious problems for our body.
Water plays a role in taking nutrients into the body, digesting, absorbing them, transporting them to the cells, and metabolism. The functioning of the cells is provided by water and the substances dissolved in it. Therefore, water is essential to ensure that the waste products and harmful substances formed as a result of metabolism in our body are carried to the lungs and kidneys and thrown out, that is, to ensure metabolic work. Enough water is excreted along with these substances to ensure that the waste substances are expelled. If enough water is not taken to meet this amount, the required water will have to be met from the body water, and this will disrupt the body's fluid balance and the functioning of the metabolism, creating a life-threatening situation.
How can you understand that your water consumption is low?
-If you do not consume 30ml of water per kilogram,
-If your urine color is dark yellow and dense,
-Headache If you are suffering from acne,
-If your skin is dark, matte, smooth and pale,
-If you have a skin with many acne,
-If you have complaints of constipation. ,
-If you consume too much salt and protein,
-If there is no limit to your spice consumption,
-If you have difficulty concentrating,
-If you are tired and weak,
-If you have bloating and gas problems,
-If you cannot manage your weight
You should review your water consumption amount and definitely increase your consumption. .
What Can You Do to Ease Your Water Consumption?
-Have a nice drink for yourself. You can buy a water bottle or glass,
-You can place water in all areas at eye level during the day,
-You can color your water and make it easier to drink,
-2 drinks before each meal. You can make it your duty to drink a glass of water,
-You can set alarms on your phone to warn you every half hour or download any water reminder application.
-You can use tea, coffee, etc. that prevent your water consumption. You can reduce your consumption.
These substances will help you increase your water consumption.
What are the main benefits of water?
- It provides blood circulation. ,
- It ensures the removal of waste materials from the body,
- It regulates body temperature,
- It ensures the digestion, absorption and transportation of nutrients to the cells,
- It makes the skin healthy and flexible,
- It helps reduce the feeling of hunger,
- It is the nutrient that works the intestines best, prevents constipation,
- It regulates sleep patterns. It provides,
- It protects against heart attack and stroke,
- It prevents clotting in the heart and brain vessels,
- It provides vitality and brightness to the eyes,
- Water is one of the nutrients that best increases the amount of milk during lactation.
- It reduces morning sickness during pregnancy.
Water is the most important and basic nutrient source in our lives to show signs of life. Remember that you are doing yourself the biggest disservice by dehydrating your body. A body left dehydrated will be doomed to lose its vital functions more and more each day.
I wish you a healthy day, hoping that it will be one of those days when you increase your water consumption.
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