Infertility has become an important problem for couples who want to have children today. 12% of couples cannot have children. Various factors play a role in this.
In the approach to infertile couples, history, physical examination and ultrasound, laboratory tests, and if necessary evaluation of the tubal factor, laparoscopy guide us.
Meanwhile, the male factor should be evaluated in some cases. There are some treatment methods other than cases where 100% in vitro fertilization treatment is required. If it is not successful, in vitro fertilization is considered as an option.
The patient's diet, exercise, diet if overweight, regulating some hormones, and restricting smoking, excessive tea and coffee consumption increase pregnancy rates. Psychological support is also very important.
Couples who cannot have children despite not being protected for one or more periods of time to have a child, consult an experienced physician and continue their treatment patiently, which seriously increases the pregnancy rate.
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