Pyorrhea is the general name of gum diseases. Intact gums are light pink in color and tightly surround the teeth. There is no gum bleeding or gum recession in healthy gums, and there is absolutely no bad breath in the mouth of a patient with healthy gums. If our gums are unhealthy, we may one day lose our teeth due to gum disease, even if we do not have any decay. If the gums are not treated, even healthy, decay-free teeth may be lost, and loose teeth with bleeding gums will fall out on their own, without even having to be removed. Gum bleeding is prevented, thus preventing bad breath and our teeth and gums are cleaned.
In addition to the above; brushing your teeth regularly (at least 2 times a day; in the morning and evening after meals, each brushing for 2 minutes and using circular movements) going to the dentist for check-ups twice a year, having our teeth cleaned every 6 months if necessary, using dental floss regularly every day, especially in the evenings, It helps remove hardened tartar from the areas we cannot clean, and our mouth and body regain a healthy structure.
Tooth Brushing Technique:
Toothbrush 45°< Start brushing at a /strong> angle, starting from the gum level and moving towards the oral cavity. Brushing, starting from the outer surfaces, should be done softly and in circles, from the front teeth to the back teeth, not with hard strokes.
Then, the inner surfaces of the teeth are brushed in the same way, in this process the brush is again tilted at 45° > it is moved from the gums to the oral cavity at an angle.
Finally, the chewing surfaces of the teeth are brushed by moving the brush straight back and forth.
Healthy gums do not bleed during brushing and should be brushed without bleeding while brushing. . Bleeding while brushing our teeth is extremely wrong and this is a sign of gum disease or may lead to gum disease.
* Toothbrush is personal, it is not shared with others. . Toothbrushes should be changed every 2-3 months. In the meantime, brush It can be changed even earlier when the tears have melted or after a flu infection. The brush should be medium unless there is a special condition. When brushing our teeth, harsh brushing should be avoided in order to make them whiter. Because we damage the enamel layer, which is the protective, hard layer of the tooth, and cause it to wear out.
* While Brushing Teeth; You should place your brush at a 45° angle so that it reaches both the tooth and the gum, and brush your gums with soft and circular movements, as if you were massaging, without causing pain or bleeding. Both the cheek-facing, tongue- and palate-side, and chewing surfaces of your teeth must be brushed.
* Dental floss must be used once a day, especially at night, to clean the contact surfaces of the teeth facing each other. If dental floss is not used, tooth brushing will be incomplete and the risk of tooth decay (interface caries) will increase.
* In addition to all this, if we gargle (salt water) 3-5 times a day. , medicated mouthwash) will provide a near-perfect oral cleansing.
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