Effect of mobile phones on CORNEA AND LENS tissues
In the first experimental studies on the effects of mobile phone frequency microwave group radiation on the eye, single or repeated doses, It was observed that it creates cataracts with properties similar to ionizing radiation.
Together with the lens
In the cornea: Endothelial loss, epithelial damage, corneal edema, singly or in groups,
In the iris: Vascular increased permeability and edema,
Retina: Destruction of retinal cells, retinal edema and chorioretinal scar development have been observed.
Cataract development: The first lesions are small granules or vesicles, It has been determined that it can be in the form of small cavities or small masses, and that anterior and posterior subcapsular cataracts develop within hours or days.
Cataract mechanism:
At first it was thought to be due only to the thermal effect (coagulation cataract). Changes at the molecular level, such as a decrease in ascorbic acid (AA) levels after microwaves (Merola & Kinosithas) and a decrease in ascorbic acid and glutathione levels after microwaves (Richardson et al.), were also thought to develop due to the thermal effect.
First Carpenter (1977) said that the thermal effect is necessary but not sufficient. Baillie (1979); showed that coagulation cataracts due to thermal effects and late-developing opacities are different, and that the latter is accompanied by metabolic disorders.
A decrease in the glutathione level after microwaving and changes in peptidase activity were also shown (Bernat 1985). It has been shown that post-microwave corneal changes are not caused by thermal effects, and non-thermal effects have been emphasized (Kues H, 1985).
Computer Effects
Computer vision syndrome (CVS) (computer staring syndrome):It is a syndrome known for its symptoms of headache and eye pain, eye fatigue, dryness and stinging sensation, watering, bloodshot, and difficulty focusing. While close working distance and exposure to light and heat from the screen are thought to be the main factors, many other risk factors have been identified along with light and heat. These; X (Roentgen) rays, ultraviolet, infrared rays, VLF, ULF, and EL rays emitted from the screen (picture tube) F (very low and many low frequency) electromagnetic radiation, static electric charges, acoustic noise (ultrasound, infrasound), chemicals emitted into the air from electronic circuit elements (polychlorinated biphenyls), etc. They are defined as.
Oxidative stress and Antioxidant system:
By-products formed while obtaining energy from oxygen (reactive oxygen species) (RO T) and rendering them harmless. The resulting by-products are ionized products and are converted into harmless molecules by certain molecules (antioxidant system). This system is in a state of balance within the cell. The amount of ROS may increase due to excessive production within the cell and/or external effects and may lead to cell destruction. The main reactive oxygen species are:O- 2, H2O2, ONOO-, NO.
Malondialdehyde (MDA), which is the end product of lipid (contained extensively in the cell membrane) peroxidation. ) is used as an indicator of lipid oxidation.
Superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and catalase (CAT) are the main enzymes that act as antioxidants. It is also known that some molecules, such as vitamins C and E, have antioxidant effects.
Recent studies have shown the effects of radiation emitted from mobile phones etc. on oxidant/antioxidant parameters on the eye and other body tissues. and the protective effects of some molecules have been determined. Özgüner et al. and Solokovic et al. They have shown that melatonin and CAPE (caffeic acid phenethyl ester) are protective against the effects of mobile phone radiation.
Our two studies show that electromagnetic radiation has effects on the antioxidant enzyme system in eye tissues. shown.
1: Balci M, Devrim E, Durak I. Effects of mobile phones on oxidant/antioxidant balance in cornea and lens of rats. Curr Eye Pic. 2007 Jan;32(1):21-5.
2: Balci M, Namuslu M, Devrim E, Durak I. Effects of computer monitor- emitted radiation on oxidant/ Antioxidant balance in cornea and lens from rats. Mol Vis.2009 Dec 2;15:2521-5.
In these two studies, mobile phones and It was aimed to investigate the changes caused by the waves emitted by computer screens on the oxidant/antioxidant balance in the cornea and lens tissues and the possible protective effects of vitamin C.
MATERIALS and METHODS 1 (mobile phone study group)
4 groups of 10 rats
1st group: mobile phone only. group
2nd group: mobile phone + vitamin C. group
3rd group: only vitamin C. group
Group 4: control group
Mobile phone. group was exposed to radiation for 4 weeks. Mobile phone was searched for 1 hour/day, other times it was in stand-by mode.
2. and the 3rd group was given vitamin C at a dose of 250 mg/kg/day per animal. It was given orally (added to drinking water).
MATERIAL and METHOD 2 (computer study)
4 groups consisting of 10 rats
1st group: only computer group
2nd group: computer + vitamin C. group
3rd group: only vitamin C. group
4th group: control group
The first two groups were exposed to 12 hours/day of computer radiation.
The last two groups were used for control
2. and 250 mg/kg/day oral vitamin C to the 3rd group. Given.
As a result;
The most significant changes were seen in the corneal tissuein the mobile phone group.
A very significant increase in MDA level, CAT A significant increase in its activity and a significant decrease in SOD activity were detected.
In the lens tissue; A significant increase in MDA level and CAT activity was detected in the mobile phone group. Antioxidant system changes show that EMR creates oxidative stress.
It is possible that these molecular level changesmay cause more permanent and visible pathologies by causing cell loss in the long term.
In both cases, it was observed that the values decreased to normal levels with the addition of vitamin C to the food. Should it also be considered that vitamin C or other antioxidants (melatonin, caffeic acid phenethyl ester, ellagic acid, etc.) may be protective against EMR damages? Also, what attitude should we have about using technology?
- Since EMR is lower in LCD screens than tube screens, its importance seems to have decreased,
-Protection on mobile phones methods are gaining importance. Using it with headphones for as short a time as possible, away from the ear,
-Taking it out of our bedroom while sleeping or using it with airplane mode
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