5 False Myths About Pollen Allergens

Every year, with the arrival of spring, allergy season begins with the emergence of pollens, and it seems to get worse from year to year, due to the increase in the number of pollens and partly due to climate change. Allergic diseases that occur with spring affect 10-20% of the population in many countries of the world. Many allergy patients with allergic complaints consult doctors to relieve their complaints and get relief, but despite this, there are still some persistent myths, false beliefs and legends about the causes and treatments of pollen allergy, which causes diseases such as seasonal allergic rhinitis and asthma.

Here are the biggest ones.

  • Allergies can be stopped by using allergy medications every day.

  •      Patients with allergic complaints think that the medications they use for their allergies can stop their allergies. But taking allergy medication every day only suppresses allergic complaints. When patients with allergic complaints use antihistamines every day, after a certain period of time they find that their complaints do not go away as much as before and they lose their trust in the drugs. That's why they don't use the medications correctly and switch to another medication. In fact, all antihistamines have a similar mechanism of action. Patients constantly change medications because they do not accept this.

    The biggest problem in patients with allergic rhinitis complaints is nasal congestion. Patients who start using nasal decongestants, which quickly eliminate nasal congestion, become dependent on nasal decongestants after a certain period of time. It should not be forgotten that nasal decongestants used to prevent nasal congestion cause nasal congestion with their own rebound effect after a certain period of time. Therefore, it is recommended to use nasal decongestants for a maximum of 5 days. Patients with allergic rhinitis use nasal sprays or drops containing nasal steroids to prevent nasal congestion, allowing the complaints to disappear throughout the spring without causing addiction.

    All of these medications used by patients with allergic complaints are to control their complaints. But with the use of all these drugs, there are complaints. Patients whose symptoms cannot be controlled should be seen by allergists for allergy vaccines (immunotherapy), which change the course of allergic diseases, which have an important place in their treatment.

  • Only flowers cause spring allergies.

  • With the arrival of spring, pollen is seen spreading into the air. Photos showing pollen allergy with colorful flowers appear in the media as usual. However, trees, grasses and wild herbs rather than these colorful flowers cause spring allergies.

    In fact, it should be known that it is the trees, not the flowers, that cause allergies in the early spring. Trees such as oak, alder, birch and poplar do not bloom, but their pollen spreads into the air. Pollen from trees can spread hundreds of kilometers through the air. The pollen of colorful ornamental plants around us, such as roses and tulips, is sticky and heavy and is carried by insects, and is not commonly found in the air. People with allergies may only experience complaints if they get too close to these plants. Keeping patients away from these plants prevents the formation of complaints.

  • There is no need to worry about my allergies until pollens are seen.

  • When the pollen environment is covered, patients' complaints increase and allergy medications are intensively used. It is seen that they are purchased from pharmacies.

    Waiting for allergic complaints to reach their highest level seriously affects the quality of life of patients. If you see yellow pollen dust everywhere, it may be too late to effectively treat allergies. Patients with allergic complaints may not be able to completely get rid of their complaints despite using medications. Most allergists recommend that their patients begin treatment at least two weeks before the season begins.

    As the weather first begins to warm up, allergy sufferers are exposed to certain pollens that can trigger mild symptoms. Oftentimes, exposure to pollens begins to increase as temperatures change. As the exposure increases, the patient's complaints begin to increase. When damage begins in the nose, it may take days or weeks to recover. For this reason, early use of allergy medications or It may be harmful.

  • Eating the honey of the place where one lives cures allergies.

  • You may have heard many things saying that when people with allergies eat honey made from the pollen of the place where they live, their allergies can be cured.


    Although honey has some antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, the idea that it can prevent allergies stems from a misconception. Theoretically, as bees move between flowers, they pick up the flowers' pollen, which is then transferred to their honey; It is claimed that gradual exposure to local allergens in this way causes changes in the immune system. In fact, allergy vaccines (Allergen immunotherapy) work in a similar way by giving low doses of allergen to the body. However, the pollen concentration in honey is very low, and allergy-causing pollen can spread over an area of ​​150 kilometers by winds. Pollens that cannot be reached by bees may cause allergies. Most of the pollen of the flowers that bees hover on does not cause allergies.

    For these reasons, eating honey in patients with pollen allergy seems difficult to improve allergic complaints. Studies on this subject support this.

  • Allergy vaccines contain cortisone.

  • Allergy vaccines are the most important treatment method that can change allergic sensitivity. Allergen-specific allergy vaccines can change the course of allergic diseases, causing either long-term remission or complete elimination. Allergy vaccines, which are approved and recommended by the World Health Organization, are used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, asthma and bee allergy.

    With allergy vaccines (immunotherapy) recommended by allergists, allergens are administered to the body, starting with low doses. In this way, the patient is desensitized to the allergen that causes the allergy.

    In allergy vaccines, the allergens that cause allergic reactions are exposed to various processes and administered to the patient's body, minimizing the risk of side effects and maximizing effectiveness.

    Allergy. vaccines never contain cortisone.


    Patients with allergic complaints think that the medications they use for their allergies can stop their allergies, but they suffer from allergies every day. Taking the drug only suppresses allergic complaints.

    In fact, it should be known that it is the trees, not the flowers, that cause allergies in the early spring.

    Most allergists recommend that their patients start treatment at least two weeks before the season begins. .

    In patients with pollen allergy, eating honey is difficult to relieve allergic complaints. Studies on this subject support this.

    Allergy vaccines are a treatment method that can change allergic sensitivity.

    Allergy vaccines never contain cortisone.

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