School Starts, What Will My Child Eat?

Hello everyone,

There are only a few days left for the start of school... That's why I wanted to talk about nutrition in school children in this article. Because, especially mothers of children who have weight problems and are consuming food, are very worried during this period...

No matter how much the school canteens are inspected, there are still foods with high sugar content...

Children are not conscious... Even the families' older children are very worried. Some of them are …

Let's talk about what a child going to school should eat. Then let's learn how to raise the child's awareness.


How Should a School-Going Child Be Feed?


'Mothers often complain about their children not eating breakfast'

 If the child does not eat breakfast and nothing is given to him to eat between classes, the child is forced to buy something from the canteen. In this case, the child is generally fed foods with high carbohydrate content. And as the child gradually gets used to this taste and wants this taste, eating breakfast at home does not seem very attractive to the child.


So What Do We Do If The Child Doesn't Want To Eat Breakfast?

At least give the child freshly squeezed juice or fruit and some nuts in the morning. We can give. (I'm adding a few more options below.) These will balance the child's blood sugar. If you put a sandwich next to him to eat between classes, it will not be a problem for him not to eat breakfast.

Fruit + Nuts

Fresh Squeezed Juice + Nuts

Milk + Fruit

Milk + Nuts

Some mothers not looking for a solution to this breakfast problem causes sugar and cholesterol to rise even in 8-10 year old children. It may sound very strange, but it's true... These values ​​are generally high in the overweight child clients I follow. Therefore, I invite mothers to find suitable options for the child, instead of giving up and getting angry at the child for not eating breakfast.


What Should a Child Eat for Lunch?



If the child is going to eat in the school cafeteria, the meal list in the cafeteria must be checked by the parents. Every school food Unfortunately, they do not have their menus prepared by a nutritionist...

If the menu contains a lot of rice pilaf and desserts, and if there is very little yoghurt, salad, bulgur pilaf, please contact the school administration about the menu.

However, if your child is coming home, have some kind of main dish (vegetables, legumes or meatballs) for lunch and a salad or yoghurt on the side.

A school-aged child should eat red meat at least twice a week, fish at least twice and legumes at least twice a week. Please follow up on this for your child…


How Will We Create Healthy Nutrition Awareness in Children?


This Family members have a great responsibility in this regard. We must convey this awareness to the child at an early age, along with the reasons. We must explain to the child why he should drink milk and the benefits of meat in a way that the child can understand. For example, if you drink milk, you will grow taller, if you eat meat, you will be stronger, etc. Of course, we should also talk about the foods we do not want people to eat. For example, we can say that if you eat too much rice pilaf and white bread, your belly will appear.

When the child starts school, the biggest responsibility falls to the teacher... As parents, you should be in communication with the teacher. Teachers also have nutritionists... I wish every school had a nutritionist to get support from, right? However, I still think that there will be a colleague who will support you, your child and your teacher when you want to reach them. Therefore, you can knock on our door not only for weight loss but also for any issue you need support for.

Children are our future... The better we take care of them, the further they will take us.

See you in healthy and fit days...


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