What is a diet?

We all have been on a diet process in our lives. In fact, non-diet lists such as 'yoghurt, cabbage diet, bread-free diet and someone else's diet' have entered your lives, and unfortunately they continue to do so. If you are going to go on a diet, you should first know what it means because the end result of these diets is weight loss, gaining more back, and then continuing with another diet, creating a cycle. Therefore, bodies become a testing ground. So, are your health and body really that worthless? It is not possible to achieve healthy weight loss and subsequent weight control with hearsay or advice from people who are not nutritionists. Unfortunately, we like to leave nutritionists behind in this regard, but we spoil our health with wrong information and then go to nutritionists to treat our health. Instead of this cycle, your first stop should be dietitians. If the end of the road is where you are going, you should take patience and time on that road. Your gain will not only be in numbers, but also many positive psychological benefits and health benefits. Wrong or right diet has a connection with your psychology. You reap what you sow. For us dietitians, your health is our priority because you give us not only your body measurements but also your internal organs. Lists such as 'Stay hungry' are a kind of fraud, whereas dietitians, who have gone through a detailed training and internship process to help you lose weight in a healthy way and maintain it, and prepare special programs for you by making calculations at every stage of your diet, only care about your health. You think that every diet is the same, but what you think is actually there is only one healthy way of eating. Amounts and meals are unique to you because no one's diet fits another, everyone's calorie intake, weight and metabolism are different, and sometimes illness is added to this. In this case, how can uniform diets be a solution to different body types, metabolisms, weights and heights? I want to come to the most misknown fact; Diet does not mean a list of prohibitions! Diet; It is the sum of what you eat. There is a calorie intake you need and there should be a balanced distribution of carbohydrates, fat and protein. Another mistake; LONG By fasting for a while, you allow the body to store food, and when you switch to normal nutrition, you allow the body to lose weight. The most important mistake made is a carbohydrate-free diet. Every organ of our body is nourished by another food. Otherwise, 'fruit', which is a carbohydrate, formed on trees, and contains amazing nutrients, would not have been created... Every natural food is for our health and weight. Nothing existed unnecessarily. If you lose weight without benefiting from this nutrient, it will turn into a wound because you refuse to lose weight and protect your body through pain. While the most basic nutrient our body needs to consume is carbohydrates, there cannot be a diet called 'carbohydrate-free diet'. One tip; 'There is no diet without bread'! The body cannot burn fat. A single-nutrient diet leads to organ deterioration. The crime is not in carbohydrates, protein or fat, but in not learning how to consume them. For example, eliminate white flour from your life, but bring in whole wheat and grain flours! For proper nutrition, consult nutritionists only. Now start a new process in your life, let it be called healthy eating. Remember that; A single miraculous food, weight loss tea, medicine, etc. No, you give it back the same way you received it. Your health is in the palm of your hand, do not rely on miracles, create your own miracle at the right addresses with your belief in yourself, patience and mind.

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