If you feel hungry quickly after eating, snack late at night, have a frequent desire to eat sweets and have rapid weight gain around the waist, you should have the HOMA-IR
(insulin resistance) value checked.
Insulin blood sugar It is a hormone that regulates the amount of If this hormone does not work adequately, symptoms of insulin resistance occur; In this case, an increase in blood sugar
is observed.
Frequent hunger, tremors in hands, delayed feeling of satiety, rapid weight gain, especially
fat around the waist are common symptoms.
People with insulin resistance. The risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular diseases in later ages
is higher
- Overweight
- If there is Type 2 Diabetes in the family
- Sedentary life
- Low HDL level
- Genetic factors
- If there is an increase in intra-abdominal fat tissue
- Triglyceride level 250mg/dl and being above
- High blood pressure
The effect of carbohydrates on insulin resistance
Foods with high simple carbohydrate content increase insulin resistance. Consumption of foods such as white flour and flour products, honey, molasses, table sugar, carbonated and sugary drinks, potatoes and rice should be limited. Instead of these foods, whole grains, bran
bread, rye bread, oats, bulgur and sour fruits, which contain good carbohydrates, should be preferred. Fresh fruits should be consumed instead of dried fruits
. Consuming fruits with protein sources such as milk, buttermilk and yoghurt will increase the feeling of fullness.
The effect of winter on insulin resistance
Sedentary life and excessive consumption of fatty and high-calorie foods during the winter period, waist circumference
/> increases fatness. This situation triggers the risk of insulin resistance. The most effective treatment is proper and healthy
nutrition; The quality of life should be increased with a nutrition program that will balance carbohydrates, protein and fat.
Physical activity and its effect on insulin resistance
People with insulin resistance can balance their blood sugar with a good nutrition program and achieve ideal
He also needs to increase his daily activity level in order to reach his > weight. 45
minutes walking 3 or 4 days a week He/she should reduce the level of insulin in the blood by doing a sport he or she likes.
- How should those with Insulin Resistance feed
- Avoid white bread, sugar, rice and starchy foods
- Eat 3 main meals and 2 snacks a day
- Consume legumes at least 2 times a week
- Consume the fruit itself instead of fruit juice (even if it is freshly squeezed)
- Consume probiotic foods such as yoghurt, kefir, pickles and beets
- Drink an average of 2 liters of water a day
- Make sure to include protein-based foods in your meals
- Whole wheat, whole grain Consume fibrous foods such as bran, oats, etc.
- Eat vegetables and salads
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