Insulin resistance and symptoms

Insulin; It is a hormone released from the pancreas that helps lower blood sugar, allowing sugar to be taken up and used by tissues that use blood sugar, such as muscle, fat and liver.

Insulin resistance; It is a situation where resistance occurs due to decreased sensitivity to insulin, which plays a key role in transporting sugar to tissues.

In insulin resistance, the intake, use and burning of sugar into the tissues decreases and becomes difficult. This causes more insulin to be released from the pancreas. The pancreas secretes more insulin and doubles its work to use the sugar by the tissues. This situation both reduces the insulin reserve and the excessive amount of insulin circulating in the blood creates a suitable environment for the development of chronic diseases such as obesity, hypertension and atherosclerosis.

Insulin resistance occurs as a result of genetic predisposition, sedentary lifestyle, and unhealthy nutrition.
Increasing sedentary lifestyle, consumption of refined foods and tendency to "fast food" style nutrition cause diabetes and obesity that come with insulin resistance. encouraging factors. Unfortunately, this diet and lifestyle is a situation we often encounter today.

The main symptoms of insulin resistance:

1- Being above the ideal weight with rapid weight gain in the last 6 months - 1 year. Rapidly increasing fat, especially in the abdominal area, increases the risk of insulin resistance.

2- As a result of the tissues not being able to benefit from enough blood sugar, the feeling of hunger continues after meals, especially chocolate, candy, biscuits, cakes and cookies. Desire to consume sugary and floury foods (which quickly mix into the blood and raise blood sugar) such as: 3- Tremors in hands and feet, darkening of the eyes, cold sweats and/or feeling of fainting,

4- Decreased desire to move, frequent sleepiness and falling into the vicious circle of inactivity and wrong eating habits

5- Increased thirst in proportion to increasing blood sugar, frequent dry mouth

When you observe such situations and if there are people with obesity/diabetes in the family, insulin resistance should be suspected.
This should be done. In this case, you should have your insulin-insulin resistance checked by a specialist and get help from a dietitian to reach your ideal weight and health.

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