Bipolar disorder is known as manic-depressive and bipolar mood disorder. It is a disease that causes deterioration in a person's emotional state, social life and energy. It is a type of disease that has sharp ups and downs in daily life, not sudden ups and downs. He may have problems in business life, school life, family and friend relationships due to his impulsive behavior.
What kind of a disease is Bipolar Disorder?
It usually causes sudden changes in a person's mood. Periods of high and low are defined as manic attacks and depression. Some people are more prone to depression or mania, but some people experience symptoms that fluctuate between two extremes of emotion. The person who experiences the disease as mania exhibits extremely cheerful attitudes, laughs and has fun, but can suddenly become angry. For this reason, the person's social order is completely disrupted.
What are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder?
The mania period starts suddenly and lasts for a long time if it is not treated. The person usually does not realize that he is sick during this period or tends to refuse treatment. Symptoms of the disease during the manic period;
Significantly increased mood changes,
Increase in energy, activities and restlessness,
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Increased sexual desire,
Spending a lot of money,
Decrease in judgment capacity ,
Increase in thinking and speech content,
Increase in provocative, inappropriate behavior,
Increase in alcohol and substance use.
Symptoms of bipolar depressive episode are;
Hopeless and falling into pessimism,
feeling sad, anxious and unhappy,
not being able to enjoy life,
Decrease in energy,
Difficulty in concentration,
Feeling of worthlessness,
Change in appetite; weight loss or weight gain,
Sleeping too much, difficulty falling asleep, waking up frequently at night,
Despair and worthlessness feelings,
Death or suicide r thoughts,
Is Bipolar Disorder a Mental Disorder?
This disease is a mood disorder, not a mental illness. It has sometimes been confused with schizophrenia, but the two are very different diseases. Some mixed fluctuations in emotions are observed and are accompanied by some thought disorders from time to time. The intelligence level of people with this disease is normal or, according to some researchers, the intelligence level is above average. These people are also highly creative people.
Is Having Bipolar Disorder an Obstacle for Marriage?
There is no obstacle to marriage for bipolar patients. However, it should not be ignored that genetic transitions may occur. Patients who want to have children should decide accordingly. At the same time, marrying an individual with this disease requires taking on a serious responsibility. The decision should be made taking all of these into consideration.
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