This comprehensive intelligence test, created in 1979, is an application that gives an idea about the intelligence levels of individuals between the ages of 6 and 16 with its renewed and updated form. This test consists of 12 subtests.
The test is divided into 2 parts, 6 of which are "Verbal Tests" and General Knowledge, Similarities, Arithmetic, Vocabulary, Judgment, and Number Sequence as an additional test.
General information sub-area; It measures the level of information the child receives from his family, environment, friends, etc. Similarities subfield; It measures the child's ability to think abstractly and express this thought accurately and clearly. In the subfield of Arithmatics; The child's ability to solve mathematical problems, as well as the capacity of short-term memory and working memory, are measured. In the vocabulary subfield; The ability to define and express words and concepts is measured. Judgment subfield; While it measures the level of reasoning, reasoning and emotional maturity, it also measures the child's social intelligence. Finally, the Number array subfield; It measures your child's auditory short-term memory and working memory. It shows the ability to perceive sound stimuli and mentally repeat them. This last test is a backup test and the expert will do it if he deems it necessary.
The other 6 are "Performance Tests" and are Picture Completion, Picture Editing, Pattern with Cubes, Piece Assembly, Password and Mazes as additional tests.
Picture completion subfield; It is used to measure the child's visual attention. The picture editing subdomain measures the child's visual attention and the ability to establish cause-effect relationships between events. It is a subtest that involves both short-term and working memory. It is extremely important to combine the pattern subfield with cubes and manipulation with hands, thus visual perception and movement coordination. If the child's score in the pattern with cubes subtest is above average, it means that the child's visual and environmental manipulation ability is quite high. Part assembly subfield; It measures the ability to comprehend the relationship between parts and whole and visual-motor coordination. Password subfield; Pen manipulation ability measures the ability to process and remember information in short-term memory and the ability to concentrate. End as the Labyrinths subdomain; It reveals the child's problem-solving ability and approach.
Both the application and reporting of the test require special expertise. Experts for this specialization are subjected to both training and examination. However, people who have the certificate issued by the Turkish Psychologists Association are considered competent to apply and report this test. The test takes approximately 1.5 - 2 hours, depending on the child's speed and the correct answers he gives.
The score obtained as a result of the test is only a clue. Observation of the specialist applying the test and family interview also contribute to the reporting of this test. Remember that the tests are not to diagnose your child; They are tools made to assist in diagnosis.
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