Back to the Basic Rules of Healthy Weight Loss

Even though there are hundreds of methods to lose weight, it is often challenging to continue. The key to maintaining a healthy weight for the long haul is about balance.

Here are some things to consider

Your body needs the right nutrients to provide it with energy and micronutrients throughout the day. The best way to get what you need is to get rich foods from various food groups.

When creating your plate or nutrition plan for your next trip, consider the following;

Fruits and vegetables are both low-calorie and healthy. They are very rich in vitamins, minerals and phytonutrient content.

Whole grains contain dietary fiber that will help you feel full for longer. Replace white breads and pasta with whole grain versions. Get into the habit of consuming whole grain bread, bulgur pilaf, buckwheat and whole wheat pasta alternatives.

Low-fat milk, yoghurt and cheese provide the body with protein, calcium and vitamin D.

Meat and poultry. Foods containing seafood, legumes, lentils and soy are protein sources. It helps repair muscles and build muscle. To limit saturated fats, choose the grilling or baking method instead of fried.


Achieving portion control and eating in small portions is considered a useful method, but which food groups your portion contains is a very differentiating point.

It contains added sugar and additives and has a high saturated fat content. Even if the food is in small portions, it can cause a lot of calorie gain.

When you have a sweet tooth, try consuming fruit first. Fruits are both natural sources of sugar and, in addition to their sugar content, contain antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

When you want a snack, try hazelnuts, almonds, walnuts or whole grain crackers or avocado. Unsaturated fats increase your good cholesterol can help provide. However, it is useful to pay attention to portion control.

Do you still have a sweet tooth despite all these attempts? Remember that moderation is key and consume a small portion of sweets.


Your eating pattern is one factor that helps you balance your energy, the other factor is your physical activity.

Finding a healthy balance means fitting physical activity into your day. For overall health, aim for 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each day. To lose weight, you may need to be physically active for 60 to 90 minutes a day or participate in more intense activities. Try taking a 15 or 20-minute walk during your lunch break or following a special activity program to reach your goal.


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