Neural therapy acts on the Autonomic Nervous System, that is, the vegetative nervous system, which has a very wide electrical network structure in our body, and is a treatment method that enables the recirculation of tissues and organs to be regulated. Therefore, it ensures that the autonomic nervous system returns normally and that abnormal tissues and organs function in a healthy manner. It is used in many painful diseases, especially pain due to musculoskeletal system diseases, and other diseases.
Neural therapy treatment is applied to specific areas with a good examination and clinical evaluation, and the body's circulation is re-regulated.
How Does Neural Therapy Work?
Neural Therapy provides stimulation and reorganization of the autonomic nervous system.
Neural therapy application especially affects 3 important circulations. It affects the system.
One of them increases the perfusion and nutrition of the tissues by accelerating the blood circulation.
The other one acts on the lymphatic system, increasing the lymph circulation and purifying the waste substances in the tissues from the body
Finally, it improves the functioning of the nervous system, that is, it increases nerve conduction and enables the tissues to work better
With its effect on these three important systems, the self-healing capacity of the tissues increases.
As a result, the pain and diseases caused by the healed tissue or organ are eliminated.
Neck Pain That Can Be Treated with Neural Therapy
1. Cervical Disc Herniation
2. Neck Straightening
3. Muscle and Ligament Injury
4. Rheumatic Diseases (Ankylosing spondylitis etc.)
5. Neck Calcification
6. Stenosis in the Spinal Canal
7. Myofascial Pain Syndrome (Kulunç)
8. Fibromyalgia
9. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
Shoulder and Arm Pain That Can Be Treated with Neural Therapy
1. Rotator cuff syndrome (Shoulder impingement syndrome)
2. Calcific tendinitis
3. Shoulder arthritis
4. Myofascial Pain syndrome
5. Fibromyalgia Syndrome
6. Adhesive capsulitis (Frozen shoulder)
7. Thoracic Outlet Syndrome
8. The reflex is sympathetic strophy
9. Carpal tunnel syndrome (Nerve compression)
10. Cubital Tunnel syndrome
11. Medial Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow)
12. Lateral Epicondylitis (Golfer's Elbow)
13. Elbow pain
14. Wrist Pain
15. De-quervain Tenosynovitis
16. Referred Pain
17. Tendon and Tendon sheath pain
18. Hand and finger pain
19. Shoulder, Arm and Forearm Pain
Back and Waist Pain That Can Be Treated with Neural Therapy
1. Pain due to excessive mental tension and stress
2. Working at a desk for long periods of time
3. Myofascial Pain syndrome
4. Lumbar hernia, neck hernia and back hernia
5. Stomach diseases and referred pain of internal organs
6. Spinal curvature (scoliosis)
7. Shingles disease (inflammation of nerve endings)
8. Calcification in the neck and back spine
9. Soft tissue rheumatism (Fibromyalgia syndrome)
10. Osteoporosis (Post menopausal osteoporosis)
11. Ankylosing spondylitis
12. Stenosis of the spinal canal (spinal stenosis)
13. Waist arthritis
14. Discogenic pain
15. Facet joint pain
16. Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction
17. Sciatalgia (Sciatica pain)
Hip Pain That Can Be Treated with Neural Therapy
1. Referred pain of herniated disc
2. Myofascial pain syndrome (Muscle pain in the hip and surrounding areas)
3. Fibromyalgia syndrome
4. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
5. Femoro Acetebular impingement syndrome (hip impingement syndrome)
6. Iliotibial Band syndrome (pain on the sides of the hip)
7. Joint Rheumatism
8. Hip Joint Calcification
9. Thoracenteric bursitis
10. Marelgia paresthetica (Pain and burning in the front part of the hip)
11. Muscle strains
12. Pain in the tendon and adhesion area
13. Priformis Syndrome (imitates sciatic pain)
14. Pain Reflected in the Pelvis and Internal Organs
Knee Pain That Can Be Treated with Neural Therapy
1. Patella femoral Pain syndrome
2. Knee Calcification (osteoarthritis)
3. TO Early stage Meniscus tears
4. Medial collateral ligament strains
5. Myofascial Pain syndrome
6. Iliotibial Band syndrome
7. Rheumatic diseases
8. Pes Anserine bursitis
9. Knee Joint Rheumatism
10. Patellar tendonitis
11. Kneecap problems
12 Reflected pain in the hips and internal organs
13. Adductor Tendinitis
Leg Pain That Can Be Treated with Neural Therapy
1. Restless leg syndrome
2. Reflected pain of Lumbar Herniation
3. Sacroiliac joint dysfunction
4. Peroneal nerve entrapment
5. Tibial nerve entrapment
6. Priformis Syndrome
7. Leg cramps
8. Achilles Tendonitis
9. Plantar fasciitis
10. Metatarsalgia
11. Heel spur
12. Neuropathic Pain (Nerve end inflammation
13. Knee, Ankle and foot pain
14. Pain and cramps of the calf muscles
15. Circulatory disorders in the legs
>Other Neurological Disorders Where Neural Therapy is Used
1. Migraine
2. Vertigo
3. Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
4. Cervicogenic Headache (Headache Coming from the Neck)
5. TOS (Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
6. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
7. Cubital Tunnel Syndrome
8. Facial paralysis (Facial Paralysis) (Early period)
9 Nerve Compression and Resulting Numbness
10. Restless Leg Syndrome
11. Leg Cramps
12. Neck, Waist and Pains and Hernias
13. Stroke (Hemiplegia) (Paralysis) to support early rehabilitation in patients)
14. Trigeminal Neuralgia
15. Stress, Depression, Anxiety, Sleep disorder,
16. Constipation, diarrhea, gastritis , etc
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