The signals that enable us to move are transmitted from the brain and spinal cord to the relevant muscles through nerves. Nerves, which we can compare to a thin electrical cable, are responsible for the transmission of sensations as well as movement. Under normal conditions, thanks to the harmony between sensation and movement, all movements of the arms, legs, hands and feet occur flawlessly and do not cause any complaints. However, in some cases, the nerves going to the hand and foot muscles are compressed while passing through the thin canals and nerve compression may occur. The most common nerve compression is known as "Carpal Tunnel Syndrome" and affects the fingers as well as the wrist. This disorder, which occurs when the median nerve going to the first four fingers of the hand is compressed at the wrist level, is common in people who use their hands a lot due to their profession and housewives. The most important symptom is hand numbness that wakes you up at night. Sometimes there may be pain, but numbness is usually at the forefront; Patients state that they feel relieved when they shake their hands. These complaints recur throughout the day, and over time, the strength of the fingers decreases and objects held in the hand begin to fall. A similar condition develops in the ankle and toes, especially in those who wear pointed-toed, high-heeled shoes and those who do heavy work, and is called "Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome". Similar complaints occur in the ankle and toes.
In both cases of nerve compression, a definitive diagnosis must first be made. After the initial examination, nerve transmissions must be measured with a sensitive system called E M G. As a result of this examination, physical therapy methods are used along with medical treatments in cases that are not too advanced and have not yet developed loss of strength. A suitable splint is given to provide rest for the hand, and in some cases, injection therapy may be applied. Physical therapy is used to relax the nerve in the pinched area and accelerate its healing. The most commonly used physical therapy tools include water therapy, ultrasound, paraffin, laser and magnetic field treatments. Then, efforts are made to strengthen the muscles and increase elasticity with appropriate exercises. In advanced cases, surgical methods are used. Structure on the hand or ankle With surgery, the passage of the nerve is relieved. After the surgery, a 15-20 session physical therapy and rehabilitation program is applied to relieve joint stiffness and strengthen the muscles. Then, efforts are made to correct occupational factors to prevent the same disorder from recurring, and training and exercises are performed to correct errors related to the use of hands and feet.
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