Transition to Complementary Feeding in Infants

Babies should be fed only with breast milk for the first 0-6 months.

Complementary feeding should be started in addition to breast milk after 6 months. Complementary feeding should not be started before 6 months as the baby's digestive system is not fully developed. It should be started with homemade yoghurt in the transition period. The important thing in this month is to introduce the baby to foods. As the baby is fed, the amounts should be gradually increased and diversified. All foods should be given one by one, not at the same time, and different foods should be given 3-4 days later. Fresh and seasonal foods should be given. Canned, ready-made soup, pickled foods and frozen products should not be given. The baby's main source of nutrition is still breast milk. It will be sufficient for the baby to be fed with complementary foods 2 times a day between 6-8 months. At other meals, it should be fed with breast milk. In addition to baby yogurt, fruit and vegetable juices should also be grated on a glass grater. Metal graters and blenders should not be used. From fruits, it should be started with apples, peaches, pears and bananas. Tropical fruits such as pineapple, strawberry and raspberry should not be given until the age of 1 in case the baby may cause allergies. Starting with potatoes, carrots and zucchini from vegetables, it should be introduced to other vegetables until the age of 1 year. Egg yolk should be crushed to form ΒΌ from the 6th month. From the 8th month, it should be able to consume the whole egg yolk. It should start consuming 1 whole egg from the age of 1 year. Sugar, salt and honey should not be given until the age of 1 year. Molasses can be started from the 6th month. It should start consuming meat from the 8th month. It should be given to the baby in the form of low-fat minced meat and well shredded chicken meat and vegetable soups or in the form of meatballs without spices. Steamed fish such as sea bass, sea bream and salmon are very important for the development of the baby's brain and motor skills. Therefore, care should be taken to introduce the baby to fish from the 8th month and to consume it in the following months. From the 7th and 8th months, olive oil should be added to the food after cooking. From the 9th month, it should start consuming legumes such as beans, chickpeas and lentils. 7-9 months should start consuming grain foods such as rice, pasta, bread between Beginning from the 12th month, they should be able to sit at the table with the family and eat home-cooked meals. Fruits and vegetables It should be consumed in the fresh season. Organic foods should be preferred if possible. Parents should be calm and patient in this process. The baby should not be forced for a food he does not want, and should be tried again after 3-4 days.

Let's not forget that different traumas related to nutrition may occur in childhood, so let's take care to leave good memories about nutrition from infancy so that healthy eating habits are formed in children.

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