Vegetarianism appears as a diet preferred by many people today. Vegetarians are divided into groups among themselves. While some groups do not consume any animal foods, others are more flexible. According to scientific research, when animal products are excluded from the diet during pregnancy, problems such as neurological development disorders and anemia may occur in the baby.

What are the types of vegetarians?

During pregnancy, adequate and balanced nutrition is necessary not only for the baby but also for the health of the mother. The daily nutritional needs of expectant mothers can be summarized as follows: An expectant mother needs 2,500 kcal of energy, 70 grams during the day. It is recommended to take protein, 1200 mg calcium, 30 mg iron, 15 mg zinc, 2.2 mg vitamin B12, 2.2 mg vitamin B6 and 70 mg vitamin C.

The biggest problem experienced during a vegetarian diet during pregnancy is vitamin B12. There is a deficiency. In B12 deficiency, rapidly growing tissues during pregnancy cannot synthesize DNA, and as a result, congenital anomalies and negativities in the nervous system may occur. Especially the vegan diet is very insufficient in terms of B12.

Lacto and lowland vegetarian diets, which include milk (dairy products) and eggs along with plant foods, may be partially suitable for pregnancy. White vegetarian and semi vegetarian diy Foods containing plant foods, dairy products, eggs, chicken and fish several times a week provide a balanced and healthy diet.

If you are determined to follow a vegetarian diet during pregnancy, it is recommended that you pay attention to the following points:

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