What does it mean to present different stimuli to the child, organize the environment according to the child, and support his development? Today I want to dwell on this subject a little bit. First of all, presenting different stimuli to the child does not mean filling our child's room with a lot of toys. The benefits of toys in terms of child development and providing different stimuli are indisputable, but as with everything else, this should be done in moderation. A few toys purchased in accordance with the child's age and development level will be sufficient. For example, for the one and a half age group, there may be nesting containers, jigsaw rings, Legos, and puzzles. So, does the child's development depend on these toys? My answer to this question is "No". Dear parents; Do you want a nesting container? Different sized containers in the kitchen are sufficient for this. Do you want drums? Pots, pans, plastic containers and wooden spoons in the kitchen are sufficient for this. Want small muscle work? For this, a rope and stringing penne pasta are a great small muscle exercise. Do you want a sallabaş ring? To do this, simply attach the cut toilet paper rolls to the thing where we put the towel paper. Sensory activities are important for 0-2 years old, do you think we should do them too? When you make a cake in the kitchen, all your child has to do is touch the dough, mix it, and then breathe in the wonderful smell coming out of the oven. What I mean is that the child's development can be supported by everything available at home. There is no need for different toys for this. I'm not saying don't buy it at all, but I'm saying buy it when you decide. The main thing you need to focus on is actually neither the toy nor the activity. What you need to focus on is the effective communication and correct relationship you establish with your child while doing all this and everything. There are many toys, but think about how effective this form of communication will be if the mother or father sits next to the child and stays silent or does not take their eyes off the phone. However, if the parent smiles at the child while making a cake in the kitchen, describes what he is doing by making exaggerated facial expressions, offers the child the opportunity to make a cake, and praises his efforts, could there be a better game and communication, a better environmental stimulus than this? With all the opportunities you offer to the environmentally stimulating child, more importantly, you are the beautiful parents. Don't forget this. While hanging laundry It is not difficult to give him a clothespin, have him carry a spoon while emptying the machine, give him a few pieces of cloth while ironing, and watch him imitate you. When we say do activities with the child, we do not mean structured activities all day long. Include it in your daily life and yes, you can spare 45 minutes and 1 hour of the day for toys or activities, but remember: "With effective communication"..
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