When we look at the development process of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) as a method in psychotherapy; We see that it has developed by containing many psychological elements that sprout through cognitive, biological, behavioral and psychodynamic approaches. It has been demonstrated in many studies and case studies that the EMDR technique provides rapid and effective results in the treatment of acute stress disorder and post-traumatic stress disorder following traumatic experiences.
EMDR; In addition to emotional problems caused by disturbing life experiences such as war stress, harassment, natural disasters or traumatic events in childhood, phobia, performance anxiety, panic disorder, body image disorder, trauma symptoms in children, grief, chronic pain, abuse, rape and It brings together the elements of different well-known approaches such as psychodynamic, cognitive, behavioral and client-centered approaches used in the treatment of other problems.
In EMDR, the person has problems that disturb him emotionally or intellectually, thus adapting to life. It is aimed to reprocess the vital experiences that prevent the patient from being healthy. During the therapy process, the greatest effort with the EMDR method is aimed at understanding what the traumatic experience means for the person. After reaching the meaning of the traumatic memory in the person, reprocessing the memory and ensuring its harmony with other memories eliminates the psychological burden on the person by achieving integration.
EMDR Therapy in Children and Adolescents
Just like adults, it may be difficult for children and adolescents to cope with stress in the face of negative events they experience or witness. When these negative life events cannot be processed, a new negative memory network is established by either avoiding or repeating a new event that will trigger the emotions, thoughts and physical reactions felt. EMDR (Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing) technique is a psychotherapy used to overcome these negative memories. EMDR; It is a psychotherapy used to heal the negative experiences that children have experienced, witnessed, experienced or told to the person to whom they are attached, and the accompanying negative emotions and thoughts. One of the enjoyable aspects of working with children is seeing the traumatic scars disappear quickly, knowing that the child is saved from suffering for years and will not attempt to repeat the abuse on other people in adulthood.
With EMDR. Strengthen Secure Attachment and Emotional Communication with Your Children!
Attachment is the bond formed between the baby and the person who gives him primary care, and the primary attachment occurs with the mother. Attachment has an important place in the child's personality development, especially in the 0-3 age period. The child's emotional and secure attachment with the mother is necessary for his psychosocial development. When children cannot establish a healthy attachment, different emotional and behavioral problems occur in later ages.
With EMDR therapy, negative parent-child relationships are studied and emotional expression and appropriate communication skills are developed. When applying EMDR therapy with children, the child is enabled to empathize with the parent and the parent's resources are strengthened. While children's internal resources are enriched, the bond and trust between parent and child are also rearranged and the parent's resources are strengthened.
Why is Mother-Child Attachment Valuable and Important?
When working with children, it is important to study mother-child relationships and attachment. Attachment begins during pregnancy, and a secure attachment has an antibody effect to trauma.
If children have a secure attachment with the mother, even if they experience bad events, they will experience similar positive experiences such as "I can endure, I can cope, I can overcome, it will pass over time, I will be safe again." Beliefs are developed and a protective measure is taken against trauma. Eye contact, visual exchange, and eye-to-eye contact between mother and baby are very valuable for keeping our minds healthy.
Play Therapy and Healing Methods
Children play while playing. They reveal the riches in their world in a very natural way. They improve their freedom, rebellion, self-perception and relationships with the social environment through play.
Healing methods such as play therapy with children, EMDR tera It is also used for kitty. By using facilitating and relaxing techniques such as using stories, drawing pictures, cartoon technique or Art therapy, we can have a good knowledge of family dynamics, communication skills, ways of expressing emotions and attachment characteristics.
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