What is oral aphthosis?
It is tissue damage that occurs in sensitive areas in the mouth such as gums, cheeks, tongue and palate. It is a round, yellow-white lesion with red edges in appearance. It may occur in one or more cases in the mouth. The resulting canker sores cause the person to be unable to perform daily activities such as eating and speaking; It causes the inability to control salivary secretions.
What are the causes of oral aphthous formation?
There are many reasons for oral aphthous formation. The most common ones:
Stress and fatigue
Vitamin and iron deficiency: Deficiency of iron and especially vitamins B3, B9, B12 It may trigger mouth sores as it will negatively affect health and nervous system.
Decrease in body resistance: Seasonal decrease in body resistance or the presence of diseases that attack the immune system, such as HIV and Lupus, can lead to mouth sores.
Physical Trauma: Mouth sores may occur due to consuming very hot food or drinks, having a habit of biting the cheek, or irritation of the oral tissues with a sharp or hard object. In some cases, the use of braces can cause mouth sores because they create mechanical trauma to the tissues around the teeth.
Foods: Beverages with high acid content, very salty, spicy, spicy foods with vinegar, pickles, Snacks and ready-made foods containing lots of chemicals can trigger the formation of mouth sores.
In addition, smoking, allergies, some medications, and some toothpastes may also play a role in the formation of mouth sores.
What are the symptoms of oral aphthosis?
Severe pain in the tongue, gums, cheeks and tongue.
Tingling and stinging sensation in the relevant area before wound formation.
Intraoral pain felt while speaking, which increases as speech activity continues.
Swollen lymph nodes, fever, physical weakness and fatigue, especially seen in progressive aphthous cases.
How to cure oral aphthous ulcers? How to prevent its formation?
Canker sores usually heal spontaneously within 7-10 days if no treatment is applied. Apply with physician The aim of the treatment is to accelerate healing, keep the pain under control and prevent the recurrence of mouth sores.
What patients can do on their own to relieve or prevent canker sores:
Factors that cause stress in daily life should be eliminated as much as possible.
Gargle with salty or carbonated water.
Vitamin and a diet high in minerals should be applied. Body resistance should be kept high.
During the treatment, excessively hot, bitter, sour, spicy, acidic foods and hard, sharp foods that may irritate the tissues around the teeth should be avoided.
Consumption of foods that will trigger aphtha formation (chocolate, walnuts, citrus fruits, pickles) should be avoided.
Oral care should be taken into consideration; Teeth, gums and tongue should be brushed twice a day with circular movements in a non-traumatic manner.
Smoking should be avoided as much as possible.
Regularly. You should go to a dentist for check-up.
Things to be done under the control of a physician to cure or prevent canker sores:
Degree (amount) of canker sores Antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, anesthetic topical gel or mouthwash should be used depending on the area where it occurs, the severity of pain).
Vitamin supplements should be used to increase body resistance. It should not be forgotten that body resistance plays a big role in the healing of canker sores.
Psychological counseling should be recommended if there is a situation that causes chronic stress and anxiety in the person.
Oral braces and dentures have chronic If there is a situation that causes trauma (the presence of a rough surface that digs, rubs, or irritates the tongue, gums, or cheek), it should be corrected.
It is possible to keep canker sores under control and prevent their recurrence by staying away from foods that trigger canker sores and using the right medications under the guidance of a physician. If you see symptoms of aphthous ulcers in the mouth and suspect them, we recommend that you consult your physician.
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