Time spent with the child has important effects on the parent-child relationship. Being a parent is not only meeting the child's needs in terms of nutrition and care, but also meeting the needs of the child in terms of emotional, personality development and self-confidence development. Families often complain that they cannot spare enough time for their children due to the hustle and bustle of daily life. However, what is important is not the length of time spent with the child; Its quality is its quality.
For quality time, it is very important that the parent really wants to spend time with the child and enjoys it. It may not always be necessary to specify a special time period to spend quality and enjoyable time. Preparing meals in the kitchen with your child, doing grocery shopping, organizing drawers, etc. Activities can be both educational and instructive, as well as an opportunity to have fun. In addition to daily chores, game evenings planned as a family will support the development of your child's social, emotional and cognitive skills, as well as strengthen family communication.
Activities that can be done at home;
Cooking :Cooking activity is an educational and instructive activity where you can have a pleasant time with your child. Deciding which meal to cook during this activity, then determining the ingredients, determining the necessary quantities, and thus preparing the meal contributes to the child's planning and organization skills. In addition, the use of necessary materials helps to reinforce the units of measurement.
Contributions of the activity: Planning, organization, sequencing (before-after concepts), use of measurements, fine motor skills…
Shopping Game:Playing shopping games at home helps the child learn the concept of money. We can also play this game with real money and contribute to the child's ability to perform simple transactions. We can also improve mathematical skills by doing practices such as collecting coins and giving change, and we can support students in thinking quickly, doing mental transactions and gaining knowledge about conscious consumption.
Contributions of the activity: Practical mental transactions, the concept of money, conscious consumption.
Birl Doing Work at Work: Make a list of things to do at home and choose the task of the day. For example; separating old clothes to be thrown away, organizing the inside of the closets, etc. Determine the materials to be used and everyone's duties during this activity. Determining what to do and distributing tasks will contribute to the child's ability to apply these in his daily life and develop his awareness of responsibility.
Contributions of the Activity: Planning-organization, taking responsibility, cooperation...
Dinner Their conversations: In families with working parents and school-going children, dinner is one of the rare times when the whole family is together. The conversations held during this time have a great contribution to the child. First of all, parents can be models for their children by sharing with them the events they experience during the day that make them happy, angry or sad. You can do this sequentially and give your child the right to speak and contribute to his/her ability to express his/her emotions.
Contributions of the Activity: Verbal expression skills, ability to establish cause-effect relationships, recognition and expression of emotions...
Story Completion:You can play the story completion game at a time when all family members are together. First, one person starts the story. Then everyone takes turns to help complete the story by adding a sentence to it. There is no right or wrong in the story game and the story does not always have to be logical.
Contributions of the Activity: Listening, imagination, verbal expression, establishing a cause-effect relationship, establishing a part-whole relationship...
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