Baby Nutrition Consultancy

In order to ensure appropriate growth and development, the baby must receive adequate and balanced nutrition
. Babies' body structures do not have the same characteristics as the adult body.
Babies grow quickly. In order to ensure appropriate growth and development, the baby must be provided with adequate and balanced
nutrition. The body structures of babies do not have the same characteristics as the adult body. For this
reason, their needs and diet cannot be the same as adults. Baby nutrition is a branch of the science of nutrition
and the purpose of this branch of science is; By ensuring that babies receive adequate and balanced nutrition, supporting optimum growth and development and ensuring the health of future generations.

Babies should be fed only with breast milk in the first six months of their lives. After the first six months, appropriate
complementary foods should be started. The nutritional needs of babies who cannot receive breast milk for the first six months due to various reasons should be carefully calculated to ensure adequate and balanced nutrition, and the nutrition program prepared for these needs should be planned according to the stomach capacity of the baby. These processes must be carried out
by an expert.

Babies generally have difficulty switching to complementary foods at the end of the sixth month. The reason for this is that they have always been accustomed to liquid foods and sucking. Babies may refuse to eat. For this
reason, mothers should know the tricks they should apply when starting complementary foods.
Another feeding-related problem seen in some babies is loss of appetite.

The cause of lack of appetite is physiological, such as teething, anemia or illness. While there may be reasons, it may also be due to the mother's
wrong practices. With the nutrition education given to mothers in Nil Diet, mothers do not have difficulties in the period of starting complementary foods.

It is important to regularly follow the growth curves of babies. Growth tracking charts evaluate whether the baby is growing and developing appropriately for the month. This is very important for detecting growth retardation.

Our aim in infant nutrition consultancy is; ensure that the baby receives sufficient breast milk after six months
To ensure that the child consumes appropriate complementary foods during periods. Thus, the baby's growth and development are regularly supported.

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