Nasal Congestion in Babies

The intranasal airway is quite narrow in newborns and children compared to adults. Therefore, any abnormal development that occurs here causes complaints to suddenly appear loudly. The nose
serves as the guardian of the lower respiratory tract and humidifying the air through the nose and delivering it to the lungs
is very important for the respiratory balance of the body.

Snot in the nose moistens the air breathed through the nose and traps foreign objects inside the nose
Provides protection of the laying cover. This slime has a rhythmic cycle. This cycle changes alternately between both noses
depending on the increase and decrease in the fullness of the nasal turbinates (turbinate) inside the nose. This is not fully noticeable in our daily lives, but it becomes evident when there is congestion in the nose.

In addition, there is a relationship between the nose and the lungs, managed by an important center in the brain.
On the side where the nose is blocked, the lungs breathe. capacity will be low. On this side, the high resistance inside the nose
increases the lung resistance and the air going to the lungs decreases.

Causes of Nasal Congestion
Congenital Causes

The most common is choanal atresia. The area between the back of the nose and the nasal cavity is closed by membrane or bone tissue. This condition becomes evident from the day the child is born. It may be unilateral or bilateral.

Deformation, deviation (curvature) and hematoma (blood accumulation) may occur in the septum (the structure that separates the two nostrils within the nose) due to falls during birth or later. Foreign objects entering the nose, some cysts and tumors are also causes of nasal congestion.

Causes that subsequently cause nasal congestion:

One of the most common causes is adenoids. It is quite small at birth. It begins to grow at the age of 1-2 as the child's own immune
system is formed. It becomes smaller during adolescence. It comes into contact with the air inhaled in the nasal cavity and is constantly washed with mucus. Therefore, it is in contact with various microbial agents (antigens). It produces antibodies by activating the active
immune system. If this activity is high, contact with more antigens and
allergy growth will be greater. Overgrowth Due to this, a chronic inflammatory discharge and congestion occurs.

Regardless of the size of the tonsils, overgrowth of the adenoid creates serious breathing difficulties in the nose. As I mentioned before, increased resistance in the nose causes a decrease in lung breathing. This generally results in decreased oxygen in the body and therefore overwork
of the heart.

Adenoids are also the area where microbes are kept, which can be the cause of frequent middle ear infections and upper respiratory
tract infections. In smoking environments, cigarette smoke is retained by this tissue and causes edema in the eustachian tubes that provide ventilation of the ear, causing pain, fluid accumulation and inflammatory reaction in the ear.

The allergy factor should not be forgotten in nasal congestion. While normal people do not develop reactions to some natural substances, some people give an excessive immune response to prevent invasion against these substances. These are called allergic bodies. As a result of this response, allergens release some chemical substances that cause undesirable effects in the person's body. These substances cause nasal congestion, swelling, itching, and excessive mucus

Sinusitis is another cause of nasal congestion. Sinusitis in children usually occurs together with a long-lasting cold
. Excessive nasal secretion and thick secretion consistency cause decreased nasal drainage and
accumulation of mucus in the nose. As a result, chronic changes in the nasal lining
and infections occur.

Sinusitis is a correct medical treatment. It heals completely with treatment. However, if it occurs together with some systemic diseases or congenital diseases, it is difficult to heal and sometimes polyps arising from the sinuses may occur. In this case, surgical treatment is required. The examination is performed with the endoscopic system.

It is the lymph tissue found in clusters in the area we call the nasopharynx (nasal cavity) at the back of the nose, next to the eustachian tubes.


Dryness in the mouth, bad smell
Discharge from the back of the nose
Sleep disorders
Stopping breathing during sleep
Frequent awakenings
Nutrition disorders
Developmental retardation
Concentration disorder
What to do?

In the examinations, routine ear, nose and throat examination, endoscopic examination, radiography and, if necessary, culture and allergy tests are applied. Appropriate medical or surgical treatment is given depending on the cause.

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