Depression or Sadness?

Or do we confuse it with sadness?

Sadness is a natural psychological response and is not a mental or psychological problem. Simply, that feeling that arises in difficult times or when someone hurts us will be inevitable. Sadness is just one of multiple symptoms of depression. Loss is a normal reaction to disappointment, problems, or other challenging situations. Being sad from time to time is a part of being human. Experiencing sadness is a normal, human reaction for anyone going through difficult times and can be overcome. As this feeling is also a small part of depression, not everyone who suffers from depression is sad. Depending on the person's long-term sadness, the mood may also be in a lower mood. However, this does not always mean depression.

Depression is an emotional state that is not considered healthy, a condition that affects thinking, emotions, perceptions and behaviors, and even bodily functions in common and chronic ways. defined as mental illness. Depression is misunderstood by many and can be confused with sadness. A feeling of sadness, distress, or anger or reluctance towards life is not depression. It can be triggered by some mental or vital factors. However, depression is a picture that changes independently of vital factors. There is not only sadness and distress. Even very few. It is an emotional experience that includes negative emotions such as grief, sadness, hopelessness, guilt, but not all such emotional changes are considered as depressive disorder. In depression, these feelings are common and persistent and cause significant impairment in the person's functioning. This is usually caused by a biochemical imbalance that inhibits the ability of nerve cells in the brain to communicate with each other. These cells communicate using chemicals called neurotransmitters, some of which help maintain mood. If there is a deficiency in these chemicals, the person may experience depression.

 Depression often progresses with the feeling of anxiety   A depressed person may not even be able to truly experience his sadness. Some people may experience depression as anger or irritability. Concentrating or making decisions can be difficult. Sleep, appetite and energy problems, and unexplained pain can be physical signs of depression. Some may even have difficult thoughts about death or ending their life (suicide). Depression is a biological medical illness. It is a serious and very important health problem. You should definitely consult a doctor or a psychiatrist. Depression should definitely be treated. Untreated, severe depression can have fatal consequences.

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, it is estimated that 7 percent of adults experience clinical depression. Although the most common symptom of this disease is a deep sense of hopelessness, it can affect each individual differently. Not everyone who is depressed suffers from the same types of symptoms, and the level of intensity varies depending on the person and the person's psychological state. may cause. It is at this point that this distinction becomes important. Depression is a curable disease.

In order for a diagnosis to be made, at least five symptoms, including one main symptom, must be present and these symptoms must continue every day for at least two weeks. These may also be nausea, hot and cold flushes, and sweating, mostly as a result of increased anxiety. The most common symptoms of the disease are:

In both cases, people can apply to a doctor for psychological help. Help from a psychiatrist can be sought for the purpose of getting support in the face of negativities that may be encountered in certain periods of life or for the treatment of depression with biological and psychotherapy.

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