Does In Vitro Fertilization Treatment Create a Risk of Down Syndrome?

There are some questions and concerns about the in vitro fertilization treatment preferred by couples who cannot have a baby through normal means. One of these is "Does in vitro fertilization treatment pose a risk of down syndrome?" Gynecology, Obstetrics and In Vitro Fertilization Specialist Op. Dr. Seval Taşdemir told you all the details you need to know about the subject.

You can learn the genetic status of the baby with the prenatal test

With the prenatal test made from the blood of the expectant mother, there are only a few things to know. It is now possible to learn the genetic status of the baby by giving tube blood. Many pregnant women are worried about the health status of their unborn baby. The possibility of chromosomal anomalies increases in some pregnancies due to advanced maternal age, family history and high risk detection in screening tests. Techniques developed with knowledge in human genetics; It can provide reliable results for couples who want to have a baby in the process until birth. These techniques are used to understand how the genetic structures of the prospective mothers and fathers combine in the egg and sperm that form the child.

Chromosome information is determined from the mother's blood

During pregnancy, the DNA that carries the baby's genetic information passes into the mother's blood. Prenatal diagnosis testing during pregnancy enables the detection of certain chromosome information from the mother's blood that may affect the baby's health. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. The diagnostic test performed during pregnancy detects double chromosomes, odd chromosomes and extra chromosomes. Within the scope of this test; Down Syndrome, Patau Syndrome, Edwards Syndrome, Monosomy X (Turner Syndrome) and X chromosome triploidies. This test can also check for heart and immune system anomalies. This test can be applied to women of all ages, regardless of body mass index and ethnicity. It does not pose any risk to the baby. It can be performed starting from the 9th week of the first trimester of pregnancy and detects 99.9 percent Down Syndrome, Trisomy 13, Trisomy 18, 92 percent Monosomy X and 99.9 percent X chromosome Triploidy. It shows high sensitivity in detecting common trisomies. It has a very low false positive rate. It determines a personal risk score for each patient with statistics. Test results are available 2-3 weeks after the blood sample reaches the laboratory. It reaches your doctor within.


Things that couples should pay attention to during in vitro fertilization

When you decide to become pregnant, members of your and your partner's families; You need to evaluate and investigate whether there is Down syndrome, mental retardation, blood diseases, congenital heart diseases, skeletal system problems, muscle diseases, epilepsy, cystic fibrosis, metabolic diseases. Consanguineous marriage, pregnancies where the mother is older, previous pregnancies ending in miscarriage, and giving birth to a dead or abnormal baby require you to receive genetic counseling. If there is a risk of genetic disease in your family history, they should make sure that all necessary tests and checks are performed before in vitro fertilization treatment.


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